
The first thing I would try is to process the HDF5 files directly with DIALS, 
which reads several different "dialects" of HDF5 (the wonderful thing about a 
standard format is that everyone implements their own idea of a standard...).

If that doesn't work, I think you would need to provide more information about 
what is actually missing from the cbf files produced from the HDF5 files - 
"lacking some required information" doesn't really tell us anything very useful!

Where were the HDF5 files collected? It could be that the beamline staff need 
to make sure that the HDF5 files contain all the information so that the 
conversion programs can find it!

Dr Harry Powell
Chairman of European Crystallographic Association SIG9 (Crystallographic 

On 31 May 2018, at 13:58, maveyrau wrote:

> Hi CCP4ers
> we recently collected many datasets on dectris detectors producing hd5 files. 
> I would like to use some auto processing tools to process them (xdsapp, 
> xdsme…). As far as I can say, xdsapp or xdsme cannot process hd5 natively. I 
> tried to convert them to cbf format (eiger2cbf, hdf2mini-cbf,...), but then 
> it seams that the header of the caf files are lacking some required 
> informations…
> Any idea how to convert hd5 files to complete caf files ? Are there any plans 
> for xdsapp to be able to work on hd5 files ?
> thanks for your help
> Laurent
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Laurent Maveyraud         laurent.maveyraud AT ipbs DOT fr
> P I C T   ---  Plateforme Intégrée de Criblage de Toulouse
> Université  Paul  Sabatier /  CNRS  /  I.P.B.S.  UMR  5089
> Département     Biologie    Structurale   et   Biophysique
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> 205 route de Narbonne          31077 TOULOUSE Cedex FRANCE
> Tél: +33 (0)561 175 435           Mob.: +33 (0)646 042 111
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