Dear Mark and Shengyang,

indeed, as Mark pointed out, we have a special mode in ARCIMBOLDO_LITE
devised to tackle coiled-coil structures. Trough the ccp4i interface this
will be available as an option you can tick when running an ARCIMBOLDO_LITE
job. A tutorial is available on our website ( and you can also contact us
directly if you have any questions regarding its use.

As for Mark's comment on beta structures, they are always more challenging
for a number of reasons, but we have been successful in solving some of
them using our libraries of general folds in ARCIMBOLDO_BORGES. There is
also an example on our website ( but if
you have any particular question regarding parameterization or you need to
generate a library of a fold that it is still not available trough CCP4 you
can contact us and well be happy to help.

Best wishes,



Claudia Millán (

Crystallographic Methods Group

Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC)

Barcelona, Spain




El mié., 10 jul. 2019 a las 10:01, Mark J van Raaij (<>)

> This sounds like a case for the Arcimboldo program developed by the Uson
> group (, of which three versions are in CCP4
> (Borges, Lite and Shredder).
> This will use short secondary structure elements in a mixed MR/ab initio
> approach.
> We almost never get it to work with our well-diffracting beta-structured
> proteins :-(, but for alpha-helical proteins it apparently has a really
> good success rate.
> a recent paper on use of Arcimboldo for coiled coils is here:
> Mark J van Raaij
> Dpto de Estructura de Macromoleculas
> Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia - CSIC
> calle Darwin 3
> E-28049 Madrid, Spain
> tel. (+34) 91 585 4616
> On 10 Jul 2019, at 10:00, Shengyang Jin <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> We recently acquired a data set (2.0 A, P222) for a coiled coil protein
> (according to Itasser, QUARK, Robetta, and Phaser).
> Matthews coefficient indicates 1 copy of protein per ASU. Sequence of the
> protein is quite novel with no apparent homolog in PDB.
> We tried to to MR with various models (ab initio or homology based) but
> with little success.
> We then tried to use AMPLE, but in ccp4 it always returned this error:
> error: unrecognized arguments: -use_arpwarp True
> (if we untick arpwarp and choose buccaneer instead, it returns -use_arpwarp
> False)
> Could anyone help?
> Thank you very much.
> Shengyang Jin
> Nanyang Technological University
> Singapore
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