Dear Shengyuang,

Some further suggestions. To create a model towards MR searches, you could try 
our server for modelling coiled coils:

It takes a few seconds to run.

The reference is here:

I recommend trying a full-length model but also truncated versions (e.g. 1/2 of 
the total length; those may be more accurate locally).

Another thought, if you happen to have data for several crystal forms do try 
them all towards MR. The success of MR with coiled coils is highly dependent on 
the packing/space group. Some discussion on the matter can be found here:



Prof. Sergei V. Strelkov Laboratory for Biocrystallography Department of 
Pharmaceutical Sciences, KU Leuven O&N2, Campus Gasthuisberg, Herestraat 49 bus 
822, 3000 Leuven, Belgium Phone: +32 16 33 08 45, mobile: +32 486 29 41 32 Lab 

From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Shengyang Jin 
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2019 10:00
Subject: [ccp4bb] MR for coiled coil structure

Dear all,

We recently acquired a data set (2.0 A, P222) for a coiled coil protein 
(according to Itasser, QUARK, Robetta, and Phaser).
Matthews coefficient indicates 1 copy of protein per ASU. Sequence of the 
protein is quite novel with no apparent homolog in PDB.
We tried to to MR with various models (ab initio or homology based) but with 
little success.

We then tried to use AMPLE, but in ccp4 it always returned this error: error: unrecognized arguments: -use_arpwarp True
(if we untick arpwarp and choose buccaneer instead, it returns -use_arpwarp 

Could anyone help?

Thank you very much.

Shengyang Jin
Nanyang Technological University


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