Hi Robert,

Concerning PROBLEM 1: have you tried
sudo ccp4um
sudo ccp4i


P.S. didn't find Andrey Lebedev's reply on August 30 that you refer to

On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:11:34 +0000, Robert Gampe <rga...@reactivebio.com> wrote:

>Hello Marcin Pedro and the CCP4 community,
>PROBLEM 1: I have the same still unresolved problem when trying to install the 
>recent CCP-8.0 updates on a POP_OS!/Ubuntu box.
>The updater will not accept my SUDO password and returns to the linux prompt.
>Using sudo -l reports I am a sudo user for ALL commands and my sudo password 
>has worked for other sudo required actions.
>I also tried using sudo and root to run CCP4-8.0, but that too failed.
>Without the updates installed, the acedrg program does NOT start up for me, 
>but other programs, eg REFMAC, seem to start up but I have not run since I 
>need acedrg cif files.
>See Andrey Lebedev reply on August 30 in reply to my original post and CCP4's 
>use of ccp4um and pkexec.


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