Dear All,

Having some difficulty running PANDDA with a large batch of structures with 
significantly anisotropic data:

  1.  We have to use Autoproc / Staraniso processing for all datasets.
  2.  The default Dimple (Refmac) pipeline gives weird maps with large areas of 
-ve density for no apparent reason which then really mess up the 
difference-difference map calculations critical for PANDDA success.
  3.  Test refinements showed that Buster refinement of the Staraniso output 
gave better maps which we hope will improve the interpretability of the PANDDA 
  4.  Pipedream run on 1000 datasets but PANDDA fails as it requires complete 
datasets with any missing reflections filled in from Fcalc
  5.  Unfortunately PANDDA does not have the correct structure factor names in 
the check list – It looks for these pairs: FWT and PHWT, 2FOFCWT_fill and 
  6.  Pipedeam/Buster outputs iso and aniso filled data so it has 
2FOFCWT-iso-fill/PH2FOFCWT_iso-fill and 2FOFCWT-aniso-fill/PH2FOFCWT_aniso-fill 
which PANDDA does not see so crashes out.

My scripting is not great so I wondered if anyone could hep me with a short 
script to recursively look for ‘refine.mtz’ within subdirectories from the 
top-level ‘model-building’ directory and then run CAD to change the column 
names from 2FOFCWT-iso-fill and PH2FOFCWT_iso-fill to 2FOFCWT_fill and 
PH2FOFCWT_fill so PANDDA can ‘see’ the correct data columns

NB: output .mtz name must still be ‘refine.mtz’ as PANDDA only checks the 
top-level directory for each refinement and ‘pipedream.mtz’ symlinks pointing 
to ‘pipedream/pipedreamDir/refine/refine.mtz’ are already in place.

Full path:


Thanks for your help,

Take care, Charlie.


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