Tried reporting to i2 dev list but it got bounced - feels like something others 
may hit so don’t feel _too_ bad sending to the bb with a tiny attachment


Hi Folks

Helping someone out with some rather specialist data processing challenges and 
she hit a problem: I can reproduce this with very boring thaumatin data so I 
think this is a bug

(it obliquely relates some to a current CCP4bb thread about MR, in passing)

Processing a data set in lower than necessary symmetry e.g. tetragonal as 
monoclinic you _cannot_ import the merged MTZ file into i2 because it is 
impossible to have 90 degree angles for P21

Well, it is possible, and also, it is still correct to under merge the data so 
this is a bug? Is this a reasonable viewpoint to hold?

Many thanks Graeme

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