On 10/5/2017 11:50 AM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
On 10/05/2017 11:18 AM, Tom Gardner via cctalk wrote:
I suspect this might start another discussion, but as I understand it Apple had 
little to do with the evolution of SASI into SCSI.
Shugart Associates published SASI in 1981 and took it to ANSI in 1982 where 
they renamed it SCSI to avoid using a vendors name.
You could well be right--I do recall that there was "Mac SCSI" and then
the slightly different "Everyone else's SCSI".  I ran into this when
talking with some SMS/OMTI engineers about an ST506-to-SCSI bridge board
that I have.  Their reaction was "Oh, that's Mac SCSI--you want real SCSI".
John Henry, the founder was an interesting fellow.  "One More Time, Inc".
What I found curious was the CDC manual that called SCSI "SASI subset".
To me that says that SASI was the more elaborate protocol and SCSI
initially picked and chose from it.
There was a subset of commands taken from the Adaptec specification for SASI which was share with the initial committee.  But the SASI suffered from a number of deficiencies in how it was defined and

The objectives were twofold.

Put the large footprint of logic and function in the device(s).  The objective was to implement what could be done in the devices to make the initiator end of the interface as simple as possible.  (This is the end
connecting to systems).

The SASI initially as was SCSI transfer protocol was interlocked. The transfer was limited to low transfer rates as every transfer had to wait for the receiving end to acknowledge the receipt of the transfer.

Who was interested:

The problem that existed at the time was that transmission of data at that time had hit a technical wall. SMD was the dominant technology, and the increase of the transfer rate made it difficult to impossible to do the logic to transfer the data, and also do the error checking / correcting logic with existing logic.

We had a disk controller, for example that used a TTL CRC chip.  The higher transfer rate CDC drives outran that.  Also the existing choices for ECC were not fast enough eiither.

So the drive companies with the existing market, CDC and the like were casting about for a byte bus structure that they could dominate and move to.  Unfortunately it didn't work out that way for CDC as they could not play the games they had with SMD, and though the supported the early SCSI work, Emulex and LSI Logic (NCR) actually did a lot of the work.  Emulex saw SCSI as a dominate or die technology area, and NCR saw it as an opportunity for their semiconductor business.  Emulex also had silicon, but the NCR / LSI logic company was actually far better at selling OEM for that purpose.

At the system level, Sun was an early adopter, and supporter.  Their silicon was NCR and LSI logic

Of course Adaptec supported SCSI from the gitgo as well, as they had invented the protocol.

I worked with the committee from the first meetings on.  Larry Bouchet, who invented SASI and was committed to making it a standard.   At the time plugging into systems was seen as still a viable business.

The other things going on at the time, was the rise of 5 1/4" winchesters.  There were a few companies who had made a commodity business out of making adapters, and quickly put out SASI then SCSI controllers.  They had an interest in making sure that such as CDC didn't integrate the controllers into their products.  At the time for a period that was something that they got away with.  Eventually all of the companies either were bought out or went on to disk drives (WD was boards, bought out Tandon and jumped over to drives in a painful transition).  OMTI, not sure where they went, but they had no other business but boards.  And another giant, XEBEC moved to disk controller for the PC.

in one of my cabinets I've got a lot of the documents from the beginning if it survived my moves.

My company, Irvine Computer was supported by CDC to make a SASI and later a SCSI compatable controller for the CDC quarter inch tape, the Sentinel.  I assisted CDC people @ MPI to make the Sentinel have proper function in tape operations, as well as such as the EOT handling. The device truly isn't a QIC write only memory.  The tape cartridge design with the rubber band notwithstanding for archival purposes, you could use them for a reasonable period back then
and get your data back.  Also insisted they allow proceeding after errors.

While on the committee, the folks at a large company which was based in Oceanside, starting with A who were making write only QIC drives came into the mix about a year in.  They and the disk drive controller folks had no interest in having a useful device defined for the tape.  It took some fairly contentious meetings to present how tape was supposed to work as well as how it could work over the SCSI protocol as a serial device to get a reasonable definition into the standard.

Were it not for this fuss, you would have had a tape command "BACKUP" and "RESTORE" and that
would have been it.

Apple didn't enter into the mix until the SCSI had gone thru enough revisions to actually be useful.  It was one of those pioneers take it in the b**t problems, and Emulex, our company, CDC and a couple of our customers went with early definitions, which had to have nearly total rewrites to track changes to the standard.  SCSI was truly designed by the work of the participants in the committee,
and would have been unworkable without that.  (cue camel jokes).

I do know that many SASI devices work as SCSI-1 devices.  Somewhere, I
still have an early PC ISA SASI (not SCSI) adapter for an Ampex
Megastore unit.
Only if the system is able to run without the devices supporting ATN and disconnect.  That was the thing that usually broke things badly.
I'm also well-acquainted with what Andy Johnson-Laird called "SCSI
Voodoo" in trying to get several different SCSI devices to work off the
same SCSI-2 bus.
I worked for Peer Protocols, and we had a development reference system used by most people to get into SCSI compliance and function.

The biggest problem you had was the requirement to assert ATN when selected properly.  Later the tag queuing caused huge headaches as manufacturers implemented that feature.

It eventually was made mandatory for the most part by linux, and perhaps Windows requiring the tag queuing drilled own to the lowest level of the system's use of the disk.  The capability to do that, or fake it is required to allow the kernel to queue commands to run, and have the OS continue to run till command completion.


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