This is a strange one.  I have a bunch of CD sleeves like this, that I used to 

I’m trying to recover data from a Verbatim DataLifePlus CD, and when I started 
looking at it, I noticed that it has a cross hatch/herringbone pattern on it.

Has anyone run across anything like this?  At first I was hoping to simply wash 
it, as it seemed like that might be possible.  I tried to wash it multiple 
times, and while it seems a little better, it’s still not clean, and I think 
that it might actually be etched into the surface, due to a chemical reaction. 

Thankfully Toast 14’s “Use Data Recovery” option was able to recover the data, 
and image the CD-R.

Another problem I’ve found is that you need to use a Mac running a version of 
MacOS prior to 10.15 if you have HFS formatted CD’s.  I bought a nice external 
drive, since my DVD-RW drive in my 2010 Mac Pro died, planning to use it on my 
MacBook Pro, only to discover that MacOS 12 wouldn’t read most of my CD’s.  You 
can’t even do a ‘dd if=/dev/disk5 of=test.iso’, as they appear to have broken 
basic UNIX functionality.


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