On Fri, Mar 10, 2023 at 3:58 PM Fred Cisin via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>

> OB_3-phase anecdote:

That internet convention (OB) is so old now it's archaic, and vintage in
and of itself.  Amazing.

> So, they decided to replace it with microcomputers.  They sold it to a
> local school district, and bought a room full of 5150s.  Plus an
> unreliable network ("can support up to 128 simultaaneous users"; "oh,
> we've never connected more than 8 at a time", and a single user could
> bring the network to its knees).


> The school district was thrilled to get the PDP.  Then they had PG&E set
> up the power for it.  Some PG&E technicians did not know the difference
> between "Delta" and "Wye"/"Y" three phase!  Seriously dsmaged the
> machine.


> PG&E bought a replacement machine for the school district, on the
> condition that all involved go along with a false story that it had been a
> lighning strike!

Ha!  PG&E has always been involved in shady shit, but I never suspected
insurance fraud.


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