On Mon, May 22, 2023 at 5:25 PM j...@cimmeri.com <j...@cimmeri.com> wrote:
> On 5/22/2023 5:38 AM, Tony Duell via cctalk wrote:
> >>> I hereby formally retract my erroneous suggestion of a "386 98,SP2 desktop
> >>> with floppies and USB", and replace my suggestion with:
> >>> "a PC with USB and floppies", and let Tony decide what vintage to use.
> >> Fully concur. If it were me, I'd probably suggest some box with from
> >> the end of the era which came with an onboard floppy controller, and
> >> dual-boot 98SE and some old Linux that can handle such a thing, like
> >> Slackware or Debian. That would cover the most bases.
> > I am sorry, but I think this is a stupid suggestion for many reasons.
> It is, however, a viable suggestion, and that is better than none :)

I do seriously wonder why nobody has been suggesting the
flux-transition type of device. If it can be got to work then it would
seem the ideal solution in that it can handle anything the disk drive
[1] can handle, including non FM/MFM formats. Is it that such devices
don't work, or what? The Greaseweazle has schematics, firmware source
and application source all available (OK I don't know python but would
be happy to spend time learning that if need be) and thus would seem
to be easier to keep going than some unknown PC.

[1] Actually, do any such devices handle hard-sector disks? There
seems to be no technical reason why not, but I've never seen it listed
as a capability. But as just about all my machines use soft-sectored
disks this is not really an issue.


> I wouldn't worry about the built in disk controller.  You can add the
> functionality you need with an Adaptec SCSI controller w/ floppy.

Which AFAIK is no longer made and not necessarily available.

> Why do you need a monitor and keyboard?    And since you don't drive,
> again, have you heard of eBay?

Well,, I need a monitor so I can see I've typed the command correctly,
use a GUI (if that's what the OS uses) and see error messages. I need
a keyboard to type the commands, and indeed to satisfy the POST of
most such machines.

I do not have such things around. Very few of my computers are PCs.


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