On Mon, May 22, 2023 at 2:14 PM Liam Proven via cctalk
<cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> > And
> > of course it has to have the right type of disk controller, I
> > certainly need to be able to handle single-density (FM) reading and
> > writing correctly. Some machines can, some can't. I am hardly going to
> > be able to test it before I buy it
> This is a normal ability for a machine of the 486 era, I think.

Not in my experience (back in the day). I had no end of problems with
friends' PCs handling single-density disks.

> > I'll go
> > on public transport for things that interest me and which I actually
> > want. An PC is not in that category.
> I am sorry but that is simply rude, and in context, it is adding an
> insult to the prior insult. If you want the ability, get off your
> backside. If you don't, then suffer in silence. Don't call people
> stupid and then add "that is stupid because I can't be bothered."

I did not call you stupid. I called the suggestion stupid. Which I
still consider it to be.

I can be bothered. I could be bothered to design the darn thing from
scratch, actually, which would probably take less time.

> > Not to mention the fact that I
> > doubt I could carry the system box, monitor and keyboard in one go.
> Why would you have to? Who said you did? Nobody. You made this up,
> then called me stupid for words you put in my mouth.

My experience is that most sellers, if selling a complete system, want
the whole lot gone in one go. They do not want multiple visits to pick
it up a bit at a time.

And if the machine is not near me then fares quickly mount up if you
have to make several trips.

One other point I forgot is the size of such a machine. I don't have
space for one. My house is not large and it's filled with things that
interest me -- like classic computers, tools, electronic test gear,
books, etc.

> > Having it sent to me is inconvenient
> Nonsense. The bulk of commerce these days is mail order because it is
> *more* convenient.

Obviously you know my life better than I do.

Having parcels delivered is inconvenient. I do have things to do that
require me to be out of the house at certain times. I can't be in at a
particular time necessarily. And many of the jobs I do can't be
stopped because the doorbell rings. You try assembling a mechanism
with tiny parts, many spring-loaded, and having to stop mid-way. It
doesn't work.

Don't tell me that the delivery company will give the time/date the
parcel will be delivered. Such information is totally inaccurate in my


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