I have two watches that sync to WWVB and they always agree with CHU on HF and a ham rig that syncs to GNSS. So I think it is bang on or there is a government conspiracy to make us late for work  🤔

73 de ve3id

On January 14, 2024 2:49:19 p.m. EST, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

   This is kind computer related but maybe more ham radio related but I
   figure if anywhere, here is the place to find an answer. I have a
   SkyScan ATOMIC CLOCK. It is supposed to get its time from WWVB. The
   antenna icon that is supposed to mean it is receiving WWVB is on.
   Your probably wondering why I keep saying "supposed to". The clock
   is always wrong. Slow by about 2 minutes. Is there a known problem
   with WWVB? bill

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