I agree with Don on the interference. We have a very high noise floor here in Toronto as well as being on the fringe, and an older watch in the same window as my two Citizens frequently comes up with a fantastic date and time - possibly due to lack of data redundancy are error-checking.
73 de Nigel ve3id

On 2024-01-14 16:45, Don R via cctalk wrote:
I also have a decades old SkyScan WWVB LCD wall clock which has survived a few 
sets of leaking AA batteries :).

It still keeps accurate,  occasionally it doesn’t sync, though I think that can 
be chalked up to signal propagation.

It’s possible the problem is interference EMF, RF etc.   Try moving it to 
another place in the room and/or another room.

Don Resor

There may be some inter

Sent from someone's iPhone

On Jan 14, 2024, at 11:49 AM, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk 
<cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

This is kind computer related but maybe more ham radio related
but I figure if anywhere, here is the place to find an answer.

I have a SkyScan ATOMIC CLOCK.
It is supposed to get its time from WWVB.
The antenna icon that is supposed to mean it is receiving
WWVB is on.

Your probably wondering why I keep saying "supposed to".
The clock is always wrong.  Slow by about 2 minutes.

Is there a known problem with WWVB?


Amateur Radio, the origin of the open-source concept!
Skype:  TILBURY2591

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