I have recently acquired a Qume Model 842 double sided 8" disk drive.

I have reset all of the settings to factory default and hooked it up to my greastweazle.

The drive works perfectly for double sided disks (using the appropriate index hole).

However, the greaseweasel reports no index pulse when I put a single sided diskette in the drive.  I have attempted to clean out the sensor for single sided diskettes to on avail.

Does any one have any ideas?

The grease weasel works perfectly when I connect SA-800 drives.

I have not yet tried installing terminating resistors in the Qume.

Thank you in advance for your help,


On 1/31/2024 12:56 PM, Martin Bishop via cctalk wrote:
Ah, PPC VME cards, add VXworks, funky coprocessors, COTS IO and you have 
definitely got something best avoided : details would involve libations.

The conduction cooled chassis are OK and worth repurposing.  Contrariwise the 
VME bus is best avoided, whether classic 32b VME or the 64 bit revision.  
However, the connectors for VME 64x backplanes and the form factor have merit, 
but that is to depart from the past.


-----Original Message-----
From: Wouter de Waal via cctalk [mailto:cctalk@classiccmp.org]
Sent: 31 January 2024 18:34
To: cctalk@classiccmp.org
Cc: Wouter de Waal <w...@dw.co.za>
Subject: [cctalk] Re: Vmebus

Anyone have a VMEbus system they use at least occasionally? If so, what
I still use a couple of PPC VME boards (DY4 / Curtiss Wright 182/183/184, both 
Conduction-Cooled and Air-Cooled) to test the tail end of hardware that we are 
still shipping (by now EOL and basically NOS).

But it's work, I don't find them interesting.

If someone here has the warm fuzzies for PPC VME, we can talk :-)


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