On 10/06/2024 05:54, dwight via cctalk wrote:
No one is mentioning multiple processors on a single die and cache that is 
bigger than most systems of that times complete RAM.
Clock speed was dealt with clever register reassignment, pipelining and 

Pipelining has always been a double edged sword. Splitting the instruction cycle into smaller, faster chunks that can run simultaneously is a great idea, but if the actual instruction execution speed gets longer, failed branch predictions and subsequent pipeline flushes can truly bog down the real-life IPS. This is ultimately what led the NetBurst architecture to be the dead-end it became.

DEC came across another issue with the PDP-11 vs the VAX. Although the pipelined architecture of the VAX was much faster than the PDP-11, the actual time for a single instruction cycle was much increased, which led to customers requiring real-time operation to stick with the PDP-11, as it was much quicker in those operations. This, along with it's large software back-catalog and established platform led to the PDP-11 outliving it's successor. Josh Rice

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