Pak Budi yang baik.

Setahu saya salah satu program ISOC-ID yang di canangkan oleh
chairmannya ( TAP ) seperti :
    1. Bahwa ISOC terlibat dalam redelegasi pengelolaan domain .ID

Hal ini juga sudah di sampaikan kepada bapak Irwan Effendi (IE)sewaktu
masih sekjen ISOC-ID. ( lihat thread2 IE )

Dalam perjalanan Pak Irwan lebih konsentrasi ke dunia pendidikan.

Ujung2nya IE minta semua anggota isoc-id  voting. supaya votingnya
sah, TAP di paksa untuk tetap ada di milisnya IE ( ISOCID ). Padahal
TAP jelas2 menyatakan  keluar dari milis itu.

Terima kasih.

At 04:56 23/08/2005, you wrote:

Saya tidak tahu harus kemana untuk menanyakan hal ini.
Email ke dir-pji mental karena hanya subscriber yang boleh kirim email.
Tidak ada email terbuka untuk komunitas di sana.

-- budi

----- Forwarded message from Budi Rahardjo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 04:44:15 +0700
From: Budi Rahardjo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Pengatas-namaan kegiatan APJII oleh ISOC
X-Mailer: GruWo OS Mutt

Mohon maaf, saya ingin mendapat klarifikasi dari APJII.
Karena tidak tahu alamat email yang harus digunakan, saya kirimkan
kepada anda sekalian.

Saat ini ISOC di Indonesia sedang mengalami masalah, dan bahkan sampai
ke luar negeri. Ada beberapa hal yang diklaim oleh ISOC sebagai kegiatan
dari ISOC Indonesia yang perlu mendapat klarifikasi dari APJII.
Email di bawah ini merupakan pertanyaan saya kepada Robby Gura mengenai
kegiatan yang diklaim merupakan kontribusi dari ISOC:
1. Bahwa ISOC terlibat dalam redelegasi pengelolaan domain .ID
2. Bahwa ISOC terlibat dalam restrukturisasi IIX.
Saya mengatakan bahwa kegiatan di atas adalah terkait dengan APJII,
bukan ISOC Indonesia. Mohon klarifikasi.

-- budi

----- Forwarded message from Budi Rahardjo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 21:23:20 +0700
From: Budi Rahardjo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: James M Galvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David McAuley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Lynn St.Amour" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: Re: [ISOCID] Fw: Current Conditions on ISOC-ID (fwd)
X-Mailer: GruWo OS Mutt

> > --On Thursday, August 18, 2005 7:35 AM +0700 Robby Gura
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Dear all,
> > >
> > > With regard to recent conditions involving ISOC-ID and Mr. Irwan
> > > Effendi we would like to convey the followings:
... [deleted]
> > > 2. ISOC Indonesia is actively involved in many key areas in the
> > > development of the Indonesia Internet Condition, among others is the
> > > pivotal
> > > role the ISOC Indonesia had played along with the government in the
> > > re-delegation of cc.TLD manager from individual into government's
> > > supervised institution. Other
> > > noted role of ISOC is its heavy involvement in restructuring of
> > > Indonesia's Internet Exchange (IIX).  It is true that we do not held
> > > any courses or seminars under ISOC banner
> > > as Irwan and his friends did, but we can assure everyone that in the
> > > near future we will held educative programs to help educate
> > > Indonesian people.

As still the current .ID Country Code Top Level Domain manager,
I have to comment on Robby Gura's email:

1. It is NOT true that ISOC Indonesia involved in the redelegation
   of the .ID domain management. However, it is true that Teddy Purwadi
   is involved in the re-delegation of .ID domain.
   The process of re-delegation is a push from APJII (Association
   of Indonesian ISPs), of which Teddy Purwadi is the secretary.
   Teddy is acting as the secretary of APJII, not as an ISOC chairman.

   I have the first hand information on this. It could be proven
   by the meetings' attendance lists.

   I have never met Robby Gura's during any meeting regarding the
   .ID domain management fiasco. Perhaps Mr. Gura could enlighten me?
   (Maybe, I was asleep during the meetings?)

2. There is NO ISOC involvement in in Indonesia's Internet Exchange
   (IIX). In fact, there is a big debate right now with the move/plan
   to make a commercial entity out of this IIX by APJII, as mandated
   by the latest APJII's General Assembly.
   The Indonesian Internet Exchange is in APJII's teritory.
   No ISOC involvement at all.
   (You can get the information from APJII's web site, which
   unfortunately is in Bahasa Indonesia. You can also contact APJII to
   get their formal response.)

   Perhaps Mr. Gura has more information on this?

So, other than activities that were carried out by Irwan Effendi and
other volunteers, I didn't (and don't) see any real activities from ISOC.

> > > 3. We did trust Mr. Efendi personally to act as an acting secretary,
> > > however it seems that he used official ISOC-ID members database to
> > > create his own unofficial ISOC mailing list.  We tried to urge
> > > him to use the existing official mailing list to no avail.  As a
> > > result, our admin de-list him from the official mailing list.  So as
> > > you may see, the de-listing of Irwan and his friends is a way of us
> > > to react from his action.

As one of the founders of Indonesia ISOC, I did nothing wrong, but I was
delisted from the list too.
I was (mostly) just a passive reader in both mailing lists until my address
was removed from the local mailing list. No explanation was given.
(Perhaps it is a good thing? I have too many emails anyway.)

I could only speculate that the removal of my email address is due to
the conflict in the domain management dispute.

As a note, at one point, I expressed my intention on leaving ISOC.
I think I should do it. But, I felt obliged to stay a while to nurture
these young people. Argh. Moral dilemma. (Should I even care?)

I am getting tired of all these (lies?). It has to stop!

I guess, the Internet has changed.
It's not based on trust and cooperation anymore.
People are more concerned with power (position?).
Oh well, live goes on.

PS: In the next few weeks, I am going to resign as the .ID domain
manager. Again, the same backstabbing (power struggle) happened there.
I don't want to be part of it. I am getting too old for this.


-- budi rahardjo

----- End forwarded message -----

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