Pak Catur yang baik,

Aku bukan sekretarisnya. Tapi aku tahu apa yang terjadi.
Apakah aku tidak boleh memberitahukan apa yang aku

Terima kasih.

At 09:29 23/08/2005, you wrote:
Pak Emil ini siapa ya...
Sekretarisnya  ya...
Kok yang jawab setiap pertanyaan bukan Pak TAP sebagai sekjen APJII
dengan 'salam internet bahagia"nya.


On 8/23/05, Emil Djagoredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pak Budi yang baik.
> Setahu saya salah satu program ISOC-ID yang di canangkan oleh
> chairmannya ( TAP ) seperti :
>      1. Bahwa ISOC terlibat dalam redelegasi pengelolaan domain .ID
> Hal ini juga sudah di sampaikan kepada bapak Irwan Effendi (IE)sewaktu
> masih sekjen ISOC-ID. ( lihat thread2 IE )
> Dalam perjalanan Pak Irwan lebih konsentrasi ke dunia pendidikan.
> Ujung2nya IE minta semua anggota isoc-id  voting. supaya votingnya
> sah, TAP di paksa untuk tetap ada di milisnya IE ( ISOCID ). Padahal
> TAP jelas2 menyatakan  keluar dari milis itu.
> Terima kasih.
> At 04:56 23/08/2005, you wrote:
> >FYI,
> >Saya tidak tahu harus kemana untuk menanyakan hal ini.
> >Email ke dir-pji mental karena hanya subscriber yang boleh kirim email.
> >Tidak ada email terbuka untuk komunitas di sana.
> >
> >-- budi
> >
> >----- Forwarded message from Budi Rahardjo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
> >
> >Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 04:44:15 +0700
> >From: Budi Rahardjo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Pengatas-namaan kegiatan APJII oleh ISOC
> >X-Mailer: GruWo OS Mutt
> >
> >
> >Mohon maaf, saya ingin mendapat klarifikasi dari APJII.
> >Karena tidak tahu alamat email yang harus digunakan, saya kirimkan
> >kepada anda sekalian.
> >
> >Saat ini ISOC di Indonesia sedang mengalami masalah, dan bahkan sampai
> >ke luar negeri. Ada beberapa hal yang diklaim oleh ISOC sebagai kegiatan
> >dari ISOC Indonesia yang perlu mendapat klarifikasi dari APJII.
> >Email di bawah ini merupakan pertanyaan saya kepada Robby Gura mengenai
> >kegiatan yang diklaim merupakan kontribusi dari ISOC:
> >1. Bahwa ISOC terlibat dalam redelegasi pengelolaan domain .ID
> >2. Bahwa ISOC terlibat dalam restrukturisasi IIX.
> >Saya mengatakan bahwa kegiatan di atas adalah terkait dengan APJII,
> >bukan ISOC Indonesia. Mohon klarifikasi.
> >
> >
> >-- budi
> >
> >
> >----- Forwarded message from Budi Rahardjo
> ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
> >
> >Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 21:23:20 +0700
> >From: Budi Rahardjo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Cc: James M Galvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David McAuley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >         Robby Gura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> >         "Lynn St.Amour" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> >         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Subject: Re: [ISOCID] Fw: Current Conditions on ISOC-ID (fwd)
> >X-Mailer: GruWo OS Mutt
> >
> > > > --On Thursday, August 18, 2005 7:35 AM +0700 Robby Gura
> > > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > Dear all,
> > > > >
> > > > > With regard to recent conditions involving ISOC-ID and Mr. Irwan
> > > > > Effendi we would like to convey the followings:
> >... [deleted]
> > > > > 2. ISOC Indonesia is actively involved in many key areas in the
> > > > > development of the Indonesia Internet Condition, among others is the
> > > > > pivotal
> > > > > role the ISOC Indonesia had played along with the government in the
> > > > > re-delegation of cc.TLD manager from individual into government's
> > > > > supervised institution. Other
> > > > > noted role of ISOC is its heavy involvement in restructuring of
> > > > > Indonesia's Internet Exchange (IIX). It is true that we do not held
> > > > > any courses or seminars under ISOC banner
> > > > > as Irwan and his friends did, but we can assure everyone that in the
> > > > > near future we will held educative programs to help educate
> > > > > Indonesian people.
> >...
> >
> >As still the current .ID Country Code Top Level Domain manager,
> >I have to comment on Robby Gura's email:
> >
> >1. It is NOT true that ISOC Indonesia involved in the redelegation
> >    of the .ID domain management. However, it is true that Teddy Purwadi
> >    is involved in the re-delegation of .ID domain.
> >    The process of re-delegation is a push from APJII (Association
> >    of Indonesian ISPs), of which Teddy Purwadi is the secretary.
> >    Teddy is acting as the secretary of APJII, not as an ISOC chairman.
> >
> >    I have the first hand information on this. It could be proven
> >    by the meetings' attendance lists.
> >
> >    I have never met Robby Gura's during any meeting regarding the
> >    .ID domain management fiasco. Perhaps Mr. Gura could enlighten me?
> >    (Maybe, I was asleep during the meetings?)
> >
> >2. There is NO ISOC involvement in in Indonesia's Internet Exchange
> >    (IIX). In fact, there is a big debate right now with the move/plan
> >    to make a commercial entity out of this IIX by APJII, as mandated
> >    by the latest APJII's General Assembly.
> >    The Indonesian Internet Exchange is in APJII's teritory.
> >    No ISOC involvement at all.
> >    (You can get the information from APJII's web site, which
> >    unfortunately is in Bahasa Indonesia. You can also contact APJII to
> >    get their formal response.)
> >
> >    Perhaps Mr. Gura has more information on this?
> >
> >
> >So, other than activities that were carried out by Irwan Effendi and
> >other volunteers, I didn't (and don't) see any real activities from ISOC.
> >
> >
> >...
> > > > > 3. We did trust Mr. Efendi personally to act as an acting secretary,
> > > > > however it seems that he used official ISOC-ID members database to
> > > > > create his own unofficial ISOC mailing list.  We tried to urge
> > > > > him to use the existing official mailing list to no avail.  As a
> > > > > result, our admin de-list him from the official mailing list. So as
> > > > > you may see, the de-listing of Irwan and his friends is a way of us
> > > > > to react from his action.
> >
> >As one of the founders of Indonesia ISOC, I did nothing wrong, but I was
> >delisted from the list too.
> >I was (mostly) just a passive reader in both mailing lists until my address
> >was removed from the local mailing list. No explanation was given.
> >(Perhaps it is a good thing? I have too many emails anyway.)
> >
> >I could only speculate that the removal of my email address is due to
> >the conflict in the domain management dispute.
> >
> >As a note, at one point, I expressed my intention on leaving ISOC.
> >I think I should do it. But, I felt obliged to stay a while to nurture
> >these young people. Argh. Moral dilemma. (Should I even care?)
> >
> >I am getting tired of all these (lies?). It has to stop!
> >
> >I guess, the Internet has changed.
> >It's not based on trust and cooperation anymore.
> >People are more concerned with power (position?).
> >Oh well, live goes on.
> >
> >PS: In the next few weeks, I am going to resign as the .ID domain
> >manager. Again, the same backstabbing (power struggle) happened there.
> >I don't want to be part of it. I am getting too old for this.
> >
> >Cheers.
> >
> >-- budi rahardjo
> >--
> >--
> >
> >----- End forwarded message -----
> >
> >----- End forwarded message -----

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