This is my view of where things should be heading:

The main impetus for this thread is moving the site
forward. In this sense I would like to see a description of what it
currently does and what features have been informally slated.

Then I'd like to see a document that re-writes these out as use-cases
that don't depend on technology (but can certainly borrow ideas from
various technologies).

A large part of this are the use-cases around the use of
metadata in the models.

While the underlying implementation of the repository is something to
discuss, I think that it is a red herring at the moment. The issues
seems more to do with various use-cases being difficult to represent
in the current style of model naming and the difficulty of reflecting
someone's local filesystem workflow/layout. I think there is too much
of a rush to solve the repository issue quickly based on these
idiosyncrasies of the model naming problem.

Some(!!)  considerations:

- how is a modelers local workspace organized? e.g. we have talked
about the possible need for a manifest file; the possibility of
metadata sitting separate from the model itself; etc. Is the idea of a
workspace appropriate? Would people have multiple workspaces, say one
for each model, or one workspace for all their models, or both?

- do people want to use a single central repository? Or should they be
able to work independently in their own instance of a repository and
perhaps at some point transfer their project to another one?

- there has been an assumption that the base unit stored in a
repository should be a cellml/xml model - why is this? check the
reasons why this is believed to be the way it should be.

- don't try to figure out the URI scheme right now - even in use
cases. The only attention to URI will be the bahviour it might exhibit
in the modeling process: for example, you want someone to be able to
move from tracking a volatile branch of a model in their imports to a
stable one (that's all you have to say, not what the URIs might look

- don't attach specific technologies to the repository system until
the use-case space has been filled out

The evolution of the repository is a non-small task (it's actually
someone's PhD topic). So once there is a pretty certain idea of what
the repository may be, then how does the current system in the plone
site sit with respect to this? Are there technologies that take us a
step closer that could be weaved into the current product? etc..

What are the priorities for
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