On Sun, Mar 1, 2015 at 10:18 PM, Christian Balzer <ch...@gol.com> wrote:

> On Sun, 1 Mar 2015 21:26:16 -0600 Tony Harris wrote:
> > On Sun, Mar 1, 2015 at 6:32 PM, Christian Balzer <ch...@gol.com> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Again, penultimately you will need to sit down, compile and compare the
> > > numbers.
> > >
> > > Start with this:
> > > http://ark.intel.com/products/family/83425/Data-Center-SSDs
> > >
> > > Pay close attention to the 3610 SSDs, while slightly more expensive
> > > they offer 10 times the endurance.
> > >
> >
> > Unfortunately, $300 vs $100 isn't really slightly more expensive ;)
> >  Although I did notice that the 3710's can be gotten for ~210.
> >
> >
> I'm not sure where you get those prices from or what you're comparing with
> what but if you look at the OEM prices in the URL up there (which compare
> quite closely to what you can find when looking at shopping prices) a
> comparison with closely matched capabilities goes like this:
> http://ark.intel.com/compare/71913,86640,75680,75679
I'll be honest, the pricing on Intel's website is far from reality.  I
haven't been able to find any OEMs, and retail pricing on the 200GB 3610 is
~231 (the $300 must have been a different model in the line).  Although
$231 does add up real quick if I need to get 6 of them :(

> You really wouldn't want less than 200MB/s, even in your setup which I
> take to be 2Gb/s from what you wrote below.

> Note that the 100GB 3700 is going to perform way better and last immensely
> longer than the 160GB 3500 while being moderately more expensive, while
> the the 200GB 3610 is faster (IOPS), lasting 10 times long AND cheaper than
> the 240GB 3500.
> It is pretty much those numbers that made me use 4 100GB 3700s instead of
> 3500s (240GB), much more bang for the buck and it still did fit my budget
> and could deal with 80% of the network bandwidth.

So the 3710's would be an ok solution?  I have seen the 3700s for right
about $200, which although doesn't seem a lot cheaper, when getting 6, that
does shave about $200 after shipping costs as well...

> >
> > >
> > > Guestimate the amount of data written to your cluster per day, break
> > > that down to the load a journal SSD will see and then multiply by at
> > > least 5 to be on the safe side. Then see which SSD will fit your
> > > expected usage pattern.
> > >
> >
> > Luckily I don't think there will be a ton of data per day written.  The
> > majority of servers whose VHDs will be stored in our cluster don't have a
> > lot of frequent activity - aside from a few windows servers that have DBs
> > servers in them (and even they don't write a ton of data per day really).
> >
> Being able to put even a coarse number on this will tell you if you can
> skim on the endurance and have your cluster last like 5 years or if
> getting a higher endurance SSD is going to be cheaper.

Any suggestions on how I can get a really accurate number on this?  I mean,
I could probably get some good numbers from the database servers in terms
of their writes in a given day, but when it comes to other processes
running in the background I'm not sure how much these  might really affect
this number.

> >
> So it's 2x1Gb/s then?

client side 2x1, cluster side, 3x1.

> At that speed a single SSD from the list above would do, if you're
> a) aware of the risk that this SSD failing will kill all OSDs on that node
> and
> b) don't expect your cluster to be upgraded

I'd really prefer 2 per node from our discussions so far - it's all a
matter of cost, but I also don't want to jump to a poor decision just
because it can't be afforded immediately.  I'd rather gradually upgrade
nodes as can be afforded then jump into cheap now only to have to pay a
bigger price later.

> > Well, I'd like to steer away from the consumer models if possible since
> > they (AFAIK) don't contain caps to finish writes should a power loss
> > occur, unless there is one that does?
> >
> Not that I'm aware of.
> Also note that while Andrei is happy with his 520s (especially compared to
> the Samsungs) I have various 5x0 Intel SSDs in use as well and while they
> are quite nice the 3700s are so much faster (consistently) in comparison
> that one can't believe it ain't butter. ^o^

I'll have to see if I can get funding, I've already donated enough to get
the (albeit used) servers and nic cards, I just can't personally afford to
donate another 1K-1200, but hopefully I'll soon have it nailed down what
exact model I would like to have and maybe I can get them to pay for at
least 1/2 of them...  God working for a school can be taxing at times.


> Christian
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