Hallo Matthew,
    I am now facing the same issue and found this message of yours.
Were you eventually able to figure what the problem is, with erasure-coded pools?

At first sight, the bugzilla page linked by Brian does not seem to specifically mention erasure-coded pools...

  Thanks for your help


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Blocked requests
From: Matthew Stroud <mattstr...@overstock.com>
To: Brian Andrus <brian.and...@dreamhost.com>
CC: "ceph-users@lists.ceph.com" <ceph-users@lists.ceph.com>
Date: 09/07/2017 11:01 PM

After some troubleshooting, the issues appear to be caused by gnocchi using rados. I’m trying to figure out why.


Matthew Stroud

*From: *Brian Andrus <brian.and...@dreamhost.com>
*Date: *Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 1:53 PM
*To: *Matthew Stroud <mattstr...@overstock.com>
*Cc: *David Turner <drakonst...@gmail.com>, "ceph-users@lists.ceph.com" <ceph-users@lists.ceph.com>
*Subject: *Re: [ceph-users] Blocked requests

"ceph osd blocked-by" can do the same thing as that provided script.

Can you post relevant osd.10 logs and a pg dump of an affected placement group? Specifically interested in recovery_state section.

Hopefully you were careful in how you were rebooting OSDs, and not rebooting multiple in the same failure domain before recovery was able to occur.

On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 12:30 PM, Matthew Stroud <mattstr...@overstock.com <mailto:mattstr...@overstock.com>> wrote:

    Here is the output of your snippet:

    [root@mon01 ceph-conf]# bash /tmp/ceph_foo.sh

           6 osd.10

    52  ops are blocked > 4194.3   sec on osd.17

    9   ops are blocked > 2097.15  sec on osd.10

    4   ops are blocked > 1048.58  sec on osd.10

    39  ops are blocked > 262.144  sec on osd.10

    19  ops are blocked > 131.072  sec on osd.10

    6   ops are blocked > 65.536   sec on osd.10

    2   ops are blocked > 32.768   sec on osd.10

    Here is some backfilling info:

    [root@mon01 ceph-conf]# ceph status

         cluster 55ebbc2d-c5b7-4beb-9688-0926cefee155

          health HEALTH_WARN

                 5 pgs backfilling

                 5 pgs degraded

                 5 pgs stuck degraded

                 5 pgs stuck unclean

                 5 pgs stuck undersized

                 5 pgs undersized

                 122 requests are blocked > 32 sec

                 recovery 2361/1097929 objects degraded (0.215%)

                 recovery 5578/1097929 objects misplaced (0.508%)

          monmap e1: 3 mons at

                 election epoch 58, quorum 0,1,2 mon01,mon02,mon03

          osdmap e6511: 24 osds: 21 up, 21 in; 5 remapped pgs

                 flags sortbitwise,require_jewel_osds

           pgmap v6474659: 2592 pgs, 5 pools, 333 GB data, 356 kobjects

                 1005 GB used, 20283 GB / 21288 GB avail

                 2361/1097929 objects degraded (0.215%)

                 5578/1097929 objects misplaced (0.508%)

                     2587 active+clean

                        5 active+undersized+degraded+remapped+backfilling

    [root@mon01 ceph-conf]# ceph pg dump_stuck unclean


    pg_stat state   up      up_primary      acting  acting_primary

    3.5c2   active+undersized+degraded+remapped+backfilling
    [17,2,10]       17      [17,2]  17

    3.54a   active+undersized+degraded+remapped+backfilling
    [10,19,2]       10      [10,17] 10

    5.3b    active+undersized+degraded+remapped+backfilling
    [3,19,0]        3       [10,17] 10

    5.b3    active+undersized+degraded+remapped+backfilling
    [10,19,2]       10      [10,17] 10

    3.180   active+undersized+degraded+remapped+backfilling
    [17,10,6]       17      [22,19] 22

    Most of the back filling is was caused by restarting osds to clear
    blocked IO. Here are some of the blocked IOs:

    /var/log/ceph/ceph.log:2017-09-07 13:29:36.978559 osd.10 <> 9362 : cluster
    [WRN] slow request 60.834494 seconds old, received at 2017-09-07
    13:28:36.143920: osd_op(client.114947.0:2039090 5.e637a4b3
    (undecoded) ack+read+balance_reads+skiprwlocks+known_if_redirected
    e6511) currently queued_for_pg

    /var/log/ceph/ceph.log:2017-09-07 13:29:36.978565 osd.10 <> 9363 : cluster
    [WRN] slow request 240.661052 seconds old, received at 2017-09-07
    13:25:36.317363: osd_op(client.246934107.0:3 5.f69addd6 (undecoded)
    ack+read+known_if_redirected e6511) currently queued_for_pg

    /var/log/ceph/ceph.log:2017-09-07 13:29:36.978571 osd.10 <> 9364 : cluster
    [WRN] slow request 240.660763 seconds old, received at 2017-09-07
    13:25:36.317651: osd_op(client.246944377.0:2 5.f69addd6 (undecoded)
    ack+read+known_if_redirected e6511) currently queued_for_pg

    /var/log/ceph/ceph.log:2017-09-07 13:29:36.978576 osd.10 <> 9365 : cluster
    [WRN] slow request 240.660675 seconds old, received at 2017-09-07
    13:25:36.317740: osd_op(client.246944377.0:3 5.f69addd6 (undecoded)
    ack+read+known_if_redirected e6511) currently queued_for_pg

    /var/log/ceph/ceph.log:2017-09-07 13:29:42.979367 osd.10 <> 9366 : cluster
    [WRN] 72 slow requests, 3 included below; oldest blocked for >
    1820.342287 secs

    /var/log/ceph/ceph.log:2017-09-07 13:29:42.979373 osd.10 <> 9367 : cluster
    [WRN] slow request 30.606290 seconds old, received at 2017-09-07
    13:29:12.372999: osd_op(client.115008.0:996024003 5.e637a4b3
    (undecoded) ondisk+write+skiprwlocks+known_if_redirected e6511)
    currently queued_for_pg

    /var/log/ceph/ceph.log:2017-09-07 13:29:42.979377 osd.10 <> 9368 : cluster
    [WRN] slow request 30.554317 seconds old, received at 2017-09-07
    13:29:12.424972: osd_op(client.115020.0:1831942 5.39f2d3b
    (undecoded) ack+read+known_if_redirected e6511) currently queued_for_pg

    /var/log/ceph/ceph.log:2017-09-07 13:29:42.979383 osd.10 <> 9369 : cluster
    [WRN] slow request 30.368086 seconds old, received at 2017-09-07
    13:29:12.611204: osd_op(client.115014.0:73392774 5.e637a4b3
    (undecoded) ack+read+balance_reads+skiprwlocks+known_if_redirected
    e6511) currently queued_for_pg

    /var/log/ceph/ceph.log:2017-09-07 13:29:43.979553 osd.10 <> 9370 : cluster
    [WRN] 73 slow requests, 1 included below; oldest blocked for >
    1821.342499 secs

    /var/log/ceph/ceph.log:2017-09-07 13:29:43.979559 osd.10 <> 9371 : cluster
    [WRN] slow request 30.452344 seconds old, received at 2017-09-07
    13:29:13.527157: osd_op(client.115011.0:483954528 5.e637a4b3
    (undecoded) ack+read+balance_reads+skiprwlocks+known_if_redirected
    e6511) currently queued_for_pg

    *From: *David Turner <drakonst...@gmail.com
    *Date: *Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 1:17 PM

    *To: *Matthew Stroud <mattstr...@overstock.com
    <mailto:mattstr...@overstock.com>>, "ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
    <mailto:ceph-users@lists.ceph.com>" <ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
    *Subject: *Re: [ceph-users] Blocked requests

    I would recommend pushing forward with the update instead of rolling
    back.  Ceph doesn't have a track record of rolling back to a
    previous version.

    I don't have enough information to really make sense of the ceph
    health detail output.  Like are the osds listed all on the same
    host?  Over time of watching this output, are some of the requests
    clearing up?  Are there any other patterns?  I put the following in
    a script and run it in a watch command to try and follow patterns
    when I'm plagued with blocked requests.

         output=$(ceph --cluster $cluster health detail | grep 'ops are
    blocked' | sort -nrk6 | sed 's/ ops/+ops/' | sed 's/ sec/+sec/' |
    column -t -s'+')

         echo "$output" | grep -v 'on osd'

         echo "$output" | grep -Eo osd.[0-9]+ | sort -n | uniq -c | grep
    -v ' 1 '

         echo "$output" | grep 'on osd'

    Why do you have backfilling?  You haven't mentioned that you have
    any backfilling yet.  Installing an update shouldn't cause
    backfilling, but it's likely related to your blocked requests.

    On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 2:24 PM Matthew Stroud
    <mattstr...@overstock.com <mailto:mattstr...@overstock.com>> wrote:

        Well in the meantime things have gone from bad to worse now the
        cluster isn’t rebuilding and clients are unable to pass IO to
        the cluster. When this first took place, we started rolling back
        to 10.2.7, though that was successful, it didn’t help with the
        issue. Here is the command output:

        HEALTH_WARN 39 pgs backfill_wait; 5 pgs backfilling; 43 pgs
        degraded; 43 pgs stuck degraded; 44 pgs stuck unclean; 43 pgs
        stuck undersized; 43 pgs undersized; 367 requests are blocked >
        32 sec; 14 osds have slow requests; recovery 4678/1097738
        objects degraded (0.426%); recovery 10364/1097738 objects
        misplaced (0.944%)

        pg 3.624 is stuck unclean for 1402.022837, current state
        active+undersized+degraded+remapped+wait_backfill, last acting

        pg 3.587 is stuck unclean for 2536.693566, current state
        active+undersized+degraded+remapped+wait_backfill, last acting

        pg 3.45f is stuck unclean for 1421.178244, current state
        active+undersized+degraded+remapped+wait_backfill, last acting

        pg 3.41a is stuck unclean for 1505.091187, current state
        active+undersized+degraded+remapped+wait_backfill, last acting

        pg 3.4cc is stuck unclean for 1560.824332, current state
        active+undersized+degraded+remapped+wait_backfill, last acting

        < snip>

        pg 3.188 is stuck degraded for 1207.118130, current state
        active+undersized+degraded+remapped+wait_backfill, last acting

        pg 3.768 is stuck degraded for 1123.722910, current state
        active+undersized+degraded+remapped+wait_backfill, last acting

        pg 3.77c is stuck degraded for 1211.981606, current state
        active+undersized+degraded+remapped+wait_backfill, last acting [9,2]

        pg 3.7d1 is stuck degraded for 1074.422756, current state
        active+undersized+degraded+remapped+wait_backfill, last acting

        pg 3.7d1 is active+undersized+degraded+remapped+wait_backfill,
        acting [10,12]

        pg 3.77c is active+undersized+degraded+remapped+wait_backfill,
        acting [9,2]

        pg 3.768 is active+undersized+degraded+remapped+wait_backfill,
        acting [11,18]

        pg 3.709 is active+undersized+degraded+remapped+wait_backfill,
        acting [10,4]


        pg 3.5d8 is active+undersized+degraded+remapped+wait_backfill,
        acting [2,10]

        pg 3.5dc is active+undersized+degraded+remapped+wait_backfill,
        acting [8,19]

        pg 3.5f8 is active+undersized+degraded+remapped+wait_backfill,
        acting [2,21]

        pg 3.624 is active+undersized+degraded+remapped+wait_backfill,
        acting [12,9]

        2 ops are blocked > 1048.58 sec on osd.9

        3 ops are blocked > 65.536 sec on osd.9

        7 ops are blocked > 1048.58 sec on osd.8

        1 ops are blocked > 524.288 sec on osd.8

        1 ops are blocked > 131.072 sec on osd.8


        1 ops are blocked > 524.288 sec on osd.2

        1 ops are blocked > 262.144 sec on osd.2

        2 ops are blocked > 65.536 sec on osd.21

        9 ops are blocked > 1048.58 sec on osd.5

        9 ops are blocked > 524.288 sec on osd.5

        71 ops are blocked > 131.072 sec on osd.5

        19 ops are blocked > 65.536 sec on osd.5

        35 ops are blocked > 32.768 sec on osd.5

        14 osds have slow requests

        recovery 4678/1097738 objects degraded (0.426%)

        recovery 10364/1097738 objects misplaced (0.944%)

        *From: *David Turner <drakonst...@gmail.com
        *Date: *Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 11:33 AM
        *To: *Matthew Stroud <mattstr...@overstock.com
        <mailto:mattstr...@overstock.com>>, "ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
        <mailto:ceph-users@lists.ceph.com>" <ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
        *Subject: *Re: [ceph-users] Blocked requests

        To be fair, other times I have to go in and tweak configuration
        settings and timings to resolve chronic blocked requests.

        On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 1:32 PM David Turner
        <drakonst...@gmail.com <mailto:drakonst...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            `ceph health detail` will give a little more information
            into the blocked requests.  Specifically which OSDs are the
            requests blocked on and how long have they actually been
            blocked (as opposed to '> 32 sec').  I usually find a
            pattern after watching that for a time and narrow things
            down to an OSD, journal, etc.  Some times I just need to
            restart a specific OSD and all is well.

            On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 10:33 AM Matthew Stroud
            <mattstr...@overstock.com <mailto:mattstr...@overstock.com>>

                After updating from 10.2.7 to 10.2.9 I have a bunch of
                blocked requests for ‘currently waiting for missing
                object’. I have tried bouncing the osds and rebooting
                the osd nodes, but that just moves the problems around.
                Previous to this upgrade we had no issues. Any ideas of
                what to look at?


                Matthew Stroud


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Brian Andrus | Cloud Systems Engineer | DreamHost

brian.and...@dreamhost.com | www.dreamhost.com <http://www.dreamhost.com>


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