To be fair creativity is not as predictable as say programming, as
programmers from experience
we can have a rough estimate of how long something will take,
the designer however has to always find new and fresh ideas for use and if
he feels that his
work is below par then he is entitled to take a while playing with ideas.
At the same time the length of time it takes
for him to produce some good work is an indication of his level of talent.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Mathis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 25 April 2001 16:03
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: UNder stress!

He probably spent the three days reading lists and posting :)

Mark Mathis
TeraTech, Inc.                Behind every successful cat
12221 Parklawn Dr., Suite 200
Rockville, MD  20852                    is an obedient owner.
(301) 881-1440

-----Original Message-----
From: Angil Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 9:45 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: UNder stress!

I have to vent!!

We have a meeting at 10!

He was supposed to do a TWO PAGE frigging demo to show the client for
today..he had THREE DAYAS!!

Three goddamned days to do TWO PAGES! That's....thats over 24 hours of work
time..he had NOTHING else to do!

It is 9:39am and he is NOW adding Tabs to a plain,piss poor design that I
wouldn't even want on a bloody site showing amateurs what to do!

*gritting teeeth*
*counting to ten*

I don't want to go to this meeting like this..I am so bloody mad..I just
watch this guy and want to cuss but I gotta be cool..speak in calm mesaurd

" youuu thiiiink iiiit wiiilll bee reaaddyyy byyyy Teeeeennnn?"

When I know its nto GODADME goint oe be ready we're alreayd late!!!

And my manager isn't going to the meeting..he's going to another
**I** have to head this one and face them..and try to get around how crappy
the site looks..and still try to close the deal.
*bangs head to desk*


Have you folks ever been in this situation? What did you do!?
I mean..I'm serious considering suggesting strongly that they fire his ass!@
BUt I don't want to do that..

I guess I'll read any responses when I get back.
muffsns muffins think of muffisn..


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