....and then there's industrial grade hemp, declared illegal for US farmers
to grow, even though voters have approved it in at least 9 states so far as
of the last election (but got no press due to the voting fiasco in my home
state). Our farmers had to sit back and watch as the hemp was driven over
the border from Canada, that is until Jan 13, 2000 when our DEA issued an
edict that industrial grade hemp (less than .3% THC) was now classified as a
schedule 1 drug.

We can't have people boiling their clothes for a little buzz now can we?

I've seen gardening store owners selling hydroponic equipment get arrested,
their property confiscated, with no drugs or drug connections ever found.

The funny thing to me is...our superpower US government is losing a war to a


Woody Harrelson for President

-----Original Message-----
From: Angél Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 12:23 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Let's talk about drugs [was:RE: Violent education]

Yes..case in point the legalising of medicinal marijuana use at a State
level, and the refusal of the Federal courts to recognise the state laws.

Although in other instances they HAVE allowed States to have their own take
on certain laws.

They claim that Marijuana has no medicinal uses, even though research has
shown otherwise, and anecdotal evidence by the people who are suffering and
using marijuana, also shows otherwise.

But I guess if people can grow a herb in their backyard, and get the
benefits of painkillers and psycho therapeutic drugs wihtout the terrible
stomach upsets, headaches and numerous other side effects...it would dent
the profit margins of quite a few large drug companies ....wouldn't it?


And the Wheel Of Morality Turns.
Turn Turn Turn
Wheel Of Morality..

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