I would say that there is a huge difference between the use of technology
in a public place to assist an officer in the normal performance of their
duty (e.g., scanning the faces of a crowd or checking for illegal weapons)
and the illegal search performed by the new infrared and X-ray devices.  If
I remember correctly, the US Supreme Court agrees with you, Adam.  They
ruled that the use of detection devices that penetrate walls constituted an
illegal search.  I certainly would expect the use of a laser microphone to
be the same thing.

I agree that there is a slippery slope in the defense of freedom, but who
honestly expects privacy on a crowded night on our local equivalent of
Bourbon Street?  Isn't that how a police officer normally catches a wanted
criminal, by keeping their eyes open and looking at people as they walk
around the streets?

The DNA scenario you describe has already happened in Chicago.  A man was
listed as a suspect in a crime (I honestly now don't remember if it was
sexual assault or murder) because he refused to provide a DNA sample and
"prove" himself innocent.  He was later cleared as a suspect, but he lost
his job over the incident before that happened.  Coincidence?
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