There was a series of Drug related programs on Channel4 in the UK about a
month back, each program concentrated on a different drug, it was made by
Scientists and Doctors both here and in the US.

The overriding sentiment from all the Doctors and Scientists is that the 2
most dangerous 'social' drugs are legal, i.e. Alcohol and Nicotine.

Strangely, cannabis was said to be one of the very few drugs on Earth that
does not have a lethal dose, i.e. you pretty much cannot overdose on it.

Personally, I'm all for a rethink of our drug laws, they clearly do not


-----Original Message-----
From: Angél Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 31 July 2001 19:04
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Leeegalisssee ittt!

And..I know of an individual that hangs with people that smoke
and they went through University, 
one graduated with First Class Honours, 
another is now working at BP..
Another migrated...they all turned out ok.

I wonder what would have happened if your friends had substituted Alcohol
for Marijuana?
Same thing you think?

Marijuana is a drug. 
Just like Alcohol, just like the nicotine in cigarettes.
Taken in large amounts , constantly, it has harmful sideeffects just like
any other drug.
You shouldn't drive or operate heavy machinery whilst under the influence of
a drug that affects your mental state.
Common sense. 

However, did you know that fresh, homegrown tobacco is far less harmful than
a typical Marlboro?

If you were around them while they smoked,you might as well have lighted up
a spliff yourself 
since you were smoking too and in a drug test would probably have tested
positive for the drug. 
"But Your Honour! All I did was inhale!" 

-----Original Message-----

Fast forward a few years.  We're all in high school together.  I'm
graduating in the top of my class while most of them are lucky to be
graduating at all.  They consistently showed a lack of ambition for
anything but their marijuana, and exhibited consistently poor judgement.
Even though these people were my friends, it scared me to think that they
had cars.

We lost touch after graduation, and as the financial people say, "past
performance is not indicative of future results."  But I still think I made
the right choice (though for the wrong reasons).
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