Complete with an un-reconstructed ancestor!

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 4:36 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: The Bushwacking continues...
> > The War of Northern Aggression
> I do declare, we have another Southerner among us!
> |-----------------+-----------------------------------------------
> |Eric A. Laney    |The only solution is... a balance of power. We 
> arm our |
> |Systems Engineer |side with exactly that much more. A balance of 
> power --|
> |LAN Optimization |the trickiest, most difficult, dirtiest game 
> of them   |
> |Team             |all. But the only one that preserves both 
> sides.       |
> |Verizon Data     |                                               
>         |
> |Services         |                                               
>         |
> |Voice:           |       - Kirk, "A Private Little War," 
> stardate 4211.8.|
> |813.978.4404     |                                               
>         |
> |Pager:           |                                               
>         |
> |888.985.8519     |                                               
>         |
> |-----------------+-----------------------------------------------
>                     Maureen                                       
>                     <jmcwork@minds        To:     CF-Community 
>           >            cc:                     
>                                           Subject:     RE: The 
> Bushwacking continues...            
>                     08/17/2001                                    
>                     05:14 PM                                      
>                     Please respond                                
>                     to                                            
>                     cf-community                                  
> At 02:43 PM 8/17/01 Russel wrote:
> >That is what most wars are started over.  The American 
> Revolution, The War
> >of Northern Agression, Operation Desert Storm, etc. were all started
> because
> >of someone's or some groups's principles or lack there of.
> If you really study the history and causes of war, you will discover that
> all wars, regardless of the rhetoric, are about either property or
> economics, or both.
> For instance, the examples above:
> The American Revolution - taxes and trade
> The War of Northern Aggression - the economic impact of abolition
> Operation Desert Storm - Kuwait's Oil Fields
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