That was an interesting post, Angel.  My 'anti-religion' comment was
half sarcasm.  I wanted to invoke a little reaction from the list.

I've often pondered all your points and maybe I've been too logical in
my own theories, or maybe not.  I have many friends and family that are
religious to varying degrees.  They are all a valuable part of my life

Sure I am spiritual and I think everyone has a soul.  I don't think
religion is a required part of that equation.  I also think religion is
sometimes confused with culture/customs.

Religion is a tool, I agree.  One I choose not to use and one that I
disagree with.  I could go on about why but I wouldn't want to cause a
religious uprising. :) *sarcasm*


-----Original Message-----
From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2001 12:09 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: The Bushwacking continues...

Now this I CANNOT agree with.

To have Religion, to have beliefs which one holds immutable and correct
based on Faith, does NOT make one weak in ANY WAY!
It may be true that the weak willed cling to such beliefs to give their
life meaning, and thus indulge in Religion for the
wrong reasons. (recall my post about the woman who felt that Jesus had
come again and was in Rapture eh? Isn't it
ironic..don't ya think? *chuckle*).

Religion has its purpose, and that purpose is the Spiritual development
of the individual. (Yes I belive in a soul, in
Spirit.And I'm probably going to hell hee hee hee ;-> )

No I do not believe that any one Religion holds the ultimate key to
salvation. I believe religion is but a tool, a mechanism
for self development and self advancement. Whether you find your
fulfillment as a Hindu, as a a a a a is what it is. Positive
fullfillment, positive vibratons.It is YOUR spiritual
development and growth.

That is the truth behind all religions...and they are ALL similar.
Hinduism, Christianity, Pentecostal, Jehovah
Witnesses..Celtic..Mayan..Egyptian..they all correlate in many ways.

They all represent mankind seeking answers. And unable to find those
answers in the 'real' world around them.

And perhaps the number one question and the most elusive answer, is an
explanation for Death and what happens after.All
Religions always come around to this one sacred 'Mystery' and article of
Faith, in one way or the other. What happens to the
human being when it dies.

Over the years we've said that the Mayans and Incas were wrong and
foolish to worship the sun as their God...we all know the
sun is just a planet, and have more or less explained away the power it
weilds over our life on earth.

What if we similarly break down the energy patterns and wavelengths of
the human soul, and prove it exists, and this same
energy flows all around us? What then? We would have explained one of
the "Mysteries" of several religions. How far away
would we then be from explaining the other most crucial question of our

What if we never explained this, but instead through science we
conquered Death.
What would then happen to our Gods? Would we then need religion to
explain something that Humankind could potentially stave
off for as long as one wished?

Hence what is the PURPOSE of Religion? What role does it play in our
When we close our eyes, still our minds and concentrate and
'pray'...what are we really doing?
Is there really some all knowing, all seeing deity that hears our
Or do we simply send out our own thoughts, our own vibrations..or our
own 'karma' ....that eventually seeks us again as a
'blessing'..("you get out from life what you put in")?

Do we commune with spirits be they ethereal or of nature..or do we
instead enrich our own spirit by our meditation. Whether
in the arcane dance of Tai Chi, or the silent meditation of the kneeling
child under the peaceful shadow of the Immaculate
Conception (an act no less arcane if one follows the meaning of the

When someone swears..and I mean SWEARS to you, that they have seen
Guidance in their lives. That they have been touched by
some force..some event so co-incidental, so..'right'..that they feel
they have been led down a path...or seen salvation.

When someone speaks of Destiny, and some Divine Plan (as I grudgingly
admit I perhaps probably maybe have seen...coincidence
is only coincidence up to a point)...what are they really saying? Are
they ALL completely Crazy?

Even the rantings of a madman holds truth...the source perhaps of their
madness could be contained within their babblings.

BUt there is alway some shred of truth..some meaning behind it all.
Is there not?

So many questions...and theories..none of which I would purport to have
the answer to.
And thus I look upon anyone who discounts Religion and the notion of a
Soul, or 'God'/'Goddess' as 'weak', with great
cynicism (After all..if they've solved these mysteries they are several
times smarter than I am..and that really is
unlikely..*smirk* ).

Who is stronger?
One who Believes in something, and lives their life by that code, right
or wrong, whether it makes their life easier or more
Or someone that believes in nothing but what they can see, touch, and
feel..or in just themselves?

"What Is The Muffin?"-???

p.s. I just came from drinking to see an old Friend back off to the
United States where he will be married this year...hence
I hold no assurance that anything posted above is from me in my right
frame of mind, and I reserve the right to contradict
myself in the future ;-) hee hee

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