
As Larry has pointed out, the Army did a great deal of research about
this in the 70s and determined that a volunteer Army is more effective,
motivated, etc.

The draft has classically overdrawn from the ranks of the poor because
they were unable to find a means to escape selection. Even at its
earliest stages (Civil War era) you could avoid the draft if you could
post a large sum of money. Through the 50s, 60s and 70s, college
deferments were the way.

The college deferments being ruled out in this legistation would on the
surface seem to negate quite a bit of this but c'mon, do you honestly
think that this legislation will not somehow manage to be swayed to
favor the rich before final passage?

As a father, I am not willing to subject my children to this (or any
other administrations' crusades) -- please see m previous post on this
topic. As a brother, I am not willing to subject my siblings to this. I
have 2 sisters under the age of 26 at this time, one is the mother of
two young kids. According to the legislation they are both eligible. I
have a brother-in-law that is eligible. My wife is eligible.

Loathe wrote:

> So which am I poor stupid or unlucky?
>   -----Original Message-----



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