"I actually have nothing against them when they serve a useful
purpose... That's all. "

hmmm mode of transportation to get to and from work.

That is a useful purpose, don't you agree??

-----Original Message-----
From: Tangorre, Michael
To: CF-Community
Sent: 6/10/04 2:47 PM
Subject: RE: Maybe DC will catch on....

> I say so what.  Its not your place to choose what I drive,
> period.  You can drive your Daihatsu and I will drive my
> Jacked Up Expedition with the big tires and a gun rack (I
> donut really have one).  I will drive carefully and I'm sure
> you will too but its those who don't drive safely that are a
> problem.  

I know its not my place, I'm not telling you what to drive... I am
that IMO many people tend to drive SUVs for impractical reasons, that is
all. I actually have nothing against them when they serve a useful
purpose... That's all.

> If you really want to hate a type of car, go for
> Honda's and Eclipses and all these other little racer cars
> flying around looking for a race. Thats a problem.

The cars I hate are cars that are all decked out with twice the cost of
car in after market products with some dirt bag driving around town all
with his/her buddies... I.E. welcome to Silver Spring, MD. The Honda
that are 1 inch off the ground with $5,000 rims and rubber on them with
a 4
foot bolt on solar wing and 15 mufflers with no catalytic converters,
etc..... Those cars are totally useless... Kind of like the people that
drive them!
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