> Its not a moot point because even though you may not intend to get into an
> accident, it could happen despite how safe you are at which point your
> vehicle size and weight becomes an issue.

Freak accidents occur, I agree. But they would occur a lot fewer times
if you (people in general) were driving safely.  It doest take an SUV to
kill someone.  Cadillacs are big. They kill when mis-used.  I had a
friend in high school killed by a rouge Honda.  SUV's are big and you
don't like them, I get that.  What I don't get is how you think they are
a problem for Washington.

> Look, the point is, some people
> have a need for them, no problem with that.... Thye tend to be the people
> who drive them carefully and do not shotgun around town like some 16 year
> old who just got his/her permit.

Big assumption.

> The SUVs I question are the ones driven by
> people who drive them for no other reason than to boost their ego, feel
> bigger than others, show off, or enjoy some sense of comfort at the
> expense
> of the poor sedan they ran into on accident.

I say so what.  Its not your place to choose what I drive, period.  You
can drive your Dihastu and I will drive my Jacked Up Expedition with the
big tires and a gun rack (I donut really have one).  I will drive
carefully and I'm sure you will too but its those who don't drive safely
that are a problem.  If you really want to hate a type of car, go for
Honda's and Eclipses and all these other little racer cars flying around
looking for a race. Thats a problem.

> No one is dragging you down to my level, whatever the hell that is
> supposed
> to mean...

I was meaning level of safety.  If I'm in a safe SUV and you
(Government) force me to a smaller car as you would like, you are
forcing me to your level (of safety).

> And you do raise a good point... Lets also focus on the drivers,
> not just the vehicles. Well I do agree, we need to make changes to both! I
> am focusing on the vehicle moreso the driver because that is where this
> discussion led.

And I'm focusing more on the driver because thats the only real issue
here (IMO).  I have never seen an SUV by itself hurt anyone.  I did see
a Monty Carlo roll into my friends house seemingly by itself because the
owner forgot to put it in park but thats a different issue all
together... :)
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