I dunno - the new walker-talkies are tiny little buggers: no bigger than a
pager.  We use a nice little set with headsets we picked up someplace for
bike rides.

I always carry a pen-knife (actually a Leatherman "squirt" mini-tool) and am
LED flashlight on my key chain.  Those along with my wallet, keys,
cell-phone and Pocket PC is my "going anyplace" gear.

On the bike (since I've got the saddlebags) I add the walkie-talkie, a
Boston bike map, a collapsible windbreaker (actually the one we all got at
DevCon in Florida), a small tool kit (patch kit, pump, tools, etc) a small
first-aid kit, a roll of electrical tape, a couple of small light sticks, a
strong rag and a bottle of water.

I won't go into what we've got in our car trunk kit - but it's pretty
extensive (and it definitely includes duct tape!).  I'm also in the habit of
keeping a small kit at the office (first aid, water, some power bars, extra
set of clothes, etc)

This all comes from my Boy Scout years, not out of fear of terrorist attack,
by the way.  ;^)

Jim Davis

From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2004 5:22 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Look Out New York!!

How many Pakistanis enter the US through Mexico?

Yes, I'll be going to work with a walkie talkie, a flashlight, pen
knife, gas mask and other survival gear. Just what I need.
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