couldnt it be, though, that the changing of the guard here, bush out -
kerry in, would aid in our foreign policy.  it would send the LARGEST
message to the world.  far louder than any incumbent group's policy
shift.  they dont like bush, no one does, and as the days go on, their
anger is fueled more by that hatred, than anything else.


On Mon, 2 Aug 2004 15:15:01 -0500, Andy Ousterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry, you and I live in different pools of knowledge.  Example:  I just came
> back from a Toby Keith concert.  Cowboy way is the American way<g>
> And I agree that in many cases change is good.  Perhaps at the last election,
> before we knew that Clinton excesses where going to tube the economy and 9/11.
> But not now.  We have no levers left to push the economy if we are not on the
> way up and we have a serious issue in Iraq and Afghanistan.  We can't afford a
> leadership change now unless there is a compelling reason.  Kerry just hasn't
> made is case yet.
> Andy
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 2:00 PM
>  To: CF-Community
>  Subject: Re: Kerry's record in Senate
>  funny.
>  we never knew what bush would do in the white house.  no one does,
>  apart from a second term president.  and thank god it wont be bush.
>  we know he has messed things up, we KNOW he is in this war to make up
>  for an attempt @ his fathers life, he said those words, not VERBATIM,
>  but damn near.  it was that sheepish smirk he loves to use, "heck, he
>  even tried to kill my dad" i remember that day.
>  the blessed beauty of our system enables us to rid ourselves of a poor
>  leader and throw a tenderfoot in place.  thats change, thats good, and
>  thats what we need.
>  bush is losing points in my head EVERY day.  i supportted him i voted
>  for him, and until the recent months, i really supported him, however,
>  post dnc, post iraq fumble (on an edgerrin james type scale), i just
>  cant see myself support his cause....his cause is not the american
>  way.  his cause is the cowboys way, and sorry for the analogy, but
>  that went out with aikman.
>  its time for america to tell the world, that we dont like bush, that
>  we dont support his antagonistic ways, and that we have MUCH more
>  intelligence than to put him back in office.
>  strength @ home and respect in the world.  i couldnt have put it any
>  better myself.
>  tw
>  On Mo, 2 Aug 2004 14:54:08 -0400, Tangorre, Michael
>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > That's too bad.
>  >
>  > > Default goes to the President because he is as least the devil I know.
>  > >
>  > > Andy
>  >
>  >
>  >
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