Is it filled with secret meetings and mysterious world

John Kerry (news - web sites) says he can "put a deal
together" as president to drastically reduce U.S.
troop strength in Iraq, a pledge reminiscent of
Richard Nixon's secret plan to end the Vietnam War and
Dwight D. Eisenhower's promise to stop fighting in


--- dana tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Andy,
> someone (Sandy?) just posted that there is a plan up
> now on the
> website. Have not looked at it yet so
> I can't comment.
> But look at it this way. If I offer you two glasses
> and one contains
> poison and the other does not, what do you choose?
> I am not a huge Kerry fan; let's face it, charisma
> is not his strong
> point. But he is a thoughtful man who has been brave
> enough to change
> his mind when he thought he needed to. That's a good
> start. That's a
> *big* improvement over Mr Can't Admit A Mistake that
> we have now.
> Dana
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Andy Ousterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 13:46:18 -0500
> Subject: RE: Kerry's record in Senate
> To: CF-Community <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Actually, I am not a Bush fan.  He has spent way to
> much, should have waited
> 2-6 months to give France and Germany a chance to
> show what they were really
> about, and has problems admitting mistakes.
> I just don't believe in the "Anyone but Bush" crowd.
>  Kerry hasn't said
> anything that I've heard that states what he is for
> and explains how he will
> get there.  Perhaps maybe I am not listening.  If he
> presents a plan ( I'll
> start with any plan) then he may earn my vote.
> Default goes to the President
> because he is as least the devil I know.
> Andy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tangorre, Michael
> Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 1:22 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: Kerry's record in Senate
>   > Why is that for sure?  What I see is a bunch of
> folks who
>   Nothing is for sure, I suppose. However, I feel as
> though the country is in
>   pretty rough shape and when comparing the two
> candidates, in my opinion
>   Kerry has a better chance of bringing us out of
> the rut.
>   Why are you such a Bush fan?
>   > don't like what they are seeing now and are
> "hoping" for
>   > something better.  They are not supporting a
> candidate with a
>   > defined path out of the mess they think exists,
> nor are they
>   > forcing him to articulate a path so that they
> can help move
>   > him towards a path they believe in.  Just blind
> faith that
>   > things can't get worse.
>   >
>   > This gives you confidence
> how?
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