The fact is that the administration encouraged that connection of dots.
Strongly encouraged in fact using well-know marketing and psychological
techniques.  People didn't come to this conclusion "on their own" - it was
very clearly implied by the administration.  It's unlikely the connection
would have existed at all without the administration's nearly constant

Did they lie?  No.  They didn't need to.  All they needed was enough belief
in the inference.

Such tactics are perfectly acceptable (but still sleazy) for Madison Avenue,
but personally I don't think they belong on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Jim Davis

From: Sam Morris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 3:46 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Right-wingers - Iraq & 9/11 Was ( Washington Post issues mea
culpa for prewar coverage)

I heard that a majority of people that went to Disney
claims they saw Bugs Bunny there.
The fact is Iraq and al Qaeda are both part of the war
on terror so naturally people are going to connect the
dots on their own.

We know that they had contact with each other but we
didn't know if they were involved with 9/11. Now most
evidence suggest they weren't involved in 9/11 but we
just found that out last month.
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