Hi Andy,

I have many "rightwinger" relatives.  I am an independent (fiscally
conservative, socially liberal), but I can tell you all of them
believe that Iraq and 9/11 are connected.  They listen to Rush every
day and watch O'Reilly every night.  That's where they got that idea.

Here's a quote from an email:

"I cannot believe you think Bush created a division in the US and
worldwide when he asked the United Nations and other countries to
enforce the UN agreements with Iraq.  We (United States) will not
stand around waiting to be attacked again.  We are proactive.  If the
rest of the countries to not want to come along well, so be it.. They
will indirectly benefit from the work we are doing -- stopping the
money supply, arresting the terrorists.  The world will be better off
but it will take time before the job is complete."

So there you have it - a "rightwinger" who is connecting 9/11
("attacked again") with Iraq ("we are proactive").


----- Original Message -----
From: Andy Ousterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 13:50:03 -0500
Subject: Right-wingers - Iraq & 9/11 Was ( Washington Post issues mea
culpa for prewar coverage)
To: CF-Community <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I don't know of a single right-winger who thinks that Iraq had any involvement
in 9/11.  I do know a number of left wingers who think that this is what
right-wingers think.

I've read this comment many times from those who are against the war.  Just
how/where did you gain this perspective?

   -----Original Message-----
   From: Doug White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 1:24 PM
   To: CF-Community
   Subject: Re: Washinton Post issues mea culpa for prewar coverage

   Because many consider the NYTimes and the Post as authorities, that is why.
   main statement being that they were duped by believing the Administration's

   I can appreciate the fact they are doing a re-assessment of reporting
   and conspicuous by their absence are the right wingers, many of whom still
   there are WMD in Iraq, and that Iraq was responsible for 9-11.  Also they
   not concerned that Afghanistan has taken a back seat to the Admin's
   of his "war,"  and leaking Pakistani Intelligence for political re-election

     ----- Original Message -----
     From: Sam Morris

     Why would anyone read that right-wing rag
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