If reporting the news is considered "The low road" then I think there should be
more "Low Road" reporting!

If the WH does not wish certain information published, then do not reveal it to
a reporter.

But going back to the beginning, I still believe the rationale for the invasion
was wrong, full of obfuscation, and "spin"  The "evidence" presented has
subsequently been completely and thoroughly debunked.  This is not to say we
should unilaterally pull out of Iraq, I think the US is obligated to finish the
job.  There will be debate until the cows come home about "The Plan" or lack
thereof which is as it should be.

If it were me, I would not hesitate to drop a bunker-buster on that Mosque in
Najib (or whatever) as well as the cemetery where the Imam's fighters are taking
refuge.   I do not believe there should be a playground rule of "safe zones"
from which you can fire on the US troops with impunity and the US troops are
prohibited from firing back.   "Oh, that is a holy shrine" one might argue, but
the very members of the mosque do not treat it as such, instead they treat it as
a "safe zone"  If our brave troops had the freedom to attack the combatants
whenever and wherever they may be found, this "war" would end much sooner, less
US lives would be lost and cost the US taxpayers much less.  I have that much
confidence in our troops.

Disclaimer: This is only my opinion, and no one in authority are asking for my

----- Original Message -----
  From: Sam Morris

  I don't believe that's true. The NY Times was trashing
  the White House for the terror alert. WH told them
  it's more recent then they think and here's who it is
  but keep it a secret. WH said it was givin to the
  Times as deep deep background for the story. Seems
  this is done a lot. NY Times should turn around and
  say we can't reveal who it is but we now know it's
  legit. Instead they took the low road.


  --- William Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  > Question, why would the Bush administration give
  > intelligence information to a media outlet if they
  > did not want it published?
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