> I was just helping someone set up their new iBook two
> weeks ago. They
> had never used OS X, so I was doing things like loading
> their photos
> into iPhoto and showing them how easy it was to do things
> like
> download from a camera, send photos in email, etc.

> This weekend she was talking to my partner and asking how
> to email a
> photo again. My partner didn't know off hand (she doesn't
> use OS X),
> but suggested using the Help in iPhoto. The person said
> she didn't
> want to deal with that and was going to call Apple Tech
> Support
> instead.

> Ah well.

Wow... tech support is easier than reading... I'm not even quite sure
where to begin with that... I'm assuming she's not severely dyslexic
or anything... although as I type this my cat it pressing his lips
against my fingers and making it really difficult for me to type...
maybe her cat was pressing his lips against her eyeballs and she
figured it'd be eaiser if she only had to use her ears. :P

s. isaac dealey     954.927.5117
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