If we define stupidity as a measure of IQ, then you are right.  However,
we're using the term "stupid" to indicate that a person is indulging in
destructive behavior out of laziness and willfull ignorance.  Is it
stupid for someone to not stop at red lights?  I'd say that's pretty
stupid whether you're as ridiculously bright as, say, Jochem or as dim
as, say, me before morning caffiene.

Yes, I stopped at the red light this morning.  :-)


Irvin Gomez wrote:

> You're missing my simple point:
> If everybody has an IQ of, say 100, how fair is it for the 160 genius
> to turn around and call everyone "stupid"? I mean, he's the
> exception. 100 is the rule (and "normal", not stupid).
> In other words: the people MD called 'stupid" are just non-technical
> users. Michael is an advanced technical user, so he will be less
> prone to errors. No different than Michael Jordan calling us "stupid"
> for not knowing how to play the "triangle offense"...
>> Irvin Gomez wrote:
>> Perhaps they're not stupid...but they -are- ignorant.  The term
>> ignorance is not in and of itself an insult, so that's all well and
>>  good.  But when somebody chooses to remain ignorant about a
>> technology that they bring into their home and use on at least a
>> semi-regular basis....that's stupid.
>> Remember, this particular thread isn't about idiot-proofing our
>> applications (which -is- our duty)...but those who continue to surf
>> the web on high speed connections where they hear about trojans and
>> viruses and whatnot, and refuse to educate themselves as to how to
>> "surf safe".
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