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  -----Original Message-----
  From: Kevin Graeme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  > Ok.  I've never seen Kerry talk about any of these views.

  I'm guessing you're not in a contended State. We get the TV ads
  constantly here from both sides and Kerry's are more issue based than
  attack; whereas, the Bush ads tend to be more about attacking Kerry
  though there are some that are issues.

  I'm in Illinois.  One of those votes that won't count.  And I haven't seen
anything on the issues and the local paper I read, the Chicago Trib, which is
more conservative then liberal has published several articles on his lack of
focus on issues.

  > So while it is easy to call a view "tautlogy", which I am not even sure
  > the heck that means,

  A tautology is a type of logical argument.

  I thought you were dissing me, man ;_)   I appreciate the thought that I
might be logical.

  >he doesn't have a record of being for anything.  Being  ...

  In order to be against something, to have a strong enough opinion that
  it is wrong means you have some idea that there is some alternative,
  some opposite, something you are for. That means, that "against"
  predicates a "for".  They are mirrors of each other.. From which
  perspective you look at it from is up to you.

  It looks like you and I will have to agree to disagree on this.  I just look
at against and for being two entirely different beasts, with For being the
solutions side and much more difficult than against.

  I know that you and I differ on what issues are important. But to not
  know what issues Kerry is for floors me.

  I guess that says something about Kerry, me or both!  And I am slightly
overstating my lack of knowledge about Kerry's views.  But most I have learned
through conversations like this, not from Kerry.

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