Thank you all very much, I really appreciate your insightful thoughts.
Here's my analysis (3 interviewers: PM, tech lead and another gentleman who recommended me):
The PM probably valued me quite a bit;
Possible scenario: I may not have projected sufficient confidence to the tech lead that I'm not only a solid CF developer but also open to learning new things/technology that looms ahead and would learn it quickly;
Got feedback from the PM. She told me that they are still in the process of interviewing candidates and she asked me to be patient.
I tend to think my analysis is not far off, then probably I should do something along the line of Adam's suggestion, meantime, do not make them feel I'm pushing them. My best bet?
Again, many thanks.
>Also in the thank you letter you might add some insight into something
>you discussed in the interview. For example in a reacent interview I
>was asked about CF moving towards an OO design. In my thankyou letter
>I added a comment or 2 about OO and CFCs and I reffered them to a
>brand new article that had just come out that talked about
>implementing OO in CF. It shows you are turely interested in that job
>and that you enjoy staying on top of things. It took 2 weeks for the
>initial call back so 3 days...don't sweat it. Easier said than done
>though I know!!! ;)
>Adam Haskell
>On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 08:27:48 -0400, Larry C. Lyons
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