
> There's only ever been one reason - US foreign policy that favors one
> terrorist over another: The Shah over the clerics; Iraq over Iranian
> clerics, Saudi Arabia over Iraq, Israel over Palestine.

I think you have a problem with history here. The Jews did not teach the Arabs terrorist attacks. No, it's quite the opposite. We learned it from them.

Point of fact:

1. The land was supposed to go to the Jews according to the Balfour Declaration, which Britain signed but did not implement.

2. Britain peeled off four-fifths of the land that was assigned to the Jews and gave it to the Arabs as Jordan (the true Palestinean state).

3. The Irgun was not supported by the United States.

4. The Irgun only attacked military targets. The hotel in question was a military base.

5. They did not teach these tactics to the Arabs. Quite the opposite. The Arabs had performed numerous massacres against the Jews in Israel and against most Arab countries for a long time. To claim that the Jews started these tactics is to reverse history. (For example, the massacre in Hebron in 1929, where the Arabs came and just massacred Jews. No Jewish attack on the Arabs, no warning. Just -- Hey, let's kill Jews. The community in Hebron had been living in peace with their Arab neighbors for years.

I don't have to go into detail, as other people, such as Sam and Larry, have pointed out other facts which bely your example of terrorism. Terrorism is attacks against a civilian population in order to bring terror and make the people feel their government can't protect them. The attack you mention was made specifically to not be a terror attack. They gave warning to the authorities so they could evacuate the hotel. They attacked a military base.

If the Palestineans want to say they're fighting a war against the Israeli military, let them do so. But they're not. They're launching rockets over a barrier that is meant to keep out suicide bombers, attacking towns. And even when Israel says that they're going to pull out of Gaza and give it up to Palestinean rule, the Palestinean response is: "We're not going to give up and we're going to continue to attack you."

6. Clinton did not negotiate peace between Israel and the Palestineans as the Palestineans have not stopped attacking the Jews even once. The Palestineans have not stopped their own people from attacking Jews. They have not stopped importing weapons that are illegal under their own treaties. On the whole, they have not fulfilled a single, signed promise ever.

7. We are not going to even talk about the UN, as they are so overwhelmingly one-sided against Israel in this matter that they can never be seen as a fair partner.

8. As mentioned before, the Irgun attacked military targets. Palestinean terrorists (yes they are Palestineans and they are terrorists, which the newspapers don't like to say) do not only attack military targets, and actually go out of their way to attack civilians. Women, children, people living their life peacefully, or at least trying to do so.


> The problem started with implicit US support of the jewish terrorist
> organization, The Irgun.  After WWII, Britian was put in charge of
> Palestine who had supported the Axis during the war.  The Jews,
> however, thought that the region was due to them and began a terrorist
> campaign against the British to get it.
> After numerous attacks and disruptions the Irgun had their coup.  They
> hijacked a milk truck, killed it's Palestinian driver, filled it full
> of explosives and detonated it in a hotel many British soldiers were
> bunked at.
> The blast killed about 30 British soldiers and 70 others.  Britain
> prompted pulled out of the region leaving the Irgun with the country.
> The Irgun's leader, Menahem Begin, eventually became the Prime
> Minister of Israel.
> To Arabs the lesson was, if you conduct a terrorist campaign against
> the occupiers they'll pull out and you'll get the country.  This has
> been the policy, on the whole, that Arabs have pursued ever since.
> This began to change in the mid-ninties with President Clinton who
> negotiated for peace in both Palestine and Northern Ireland.  The Arab
> view of the US began to grow favorable and spiked when al Qaeda
> attacked the US.
> The unilateral dismissal of the UN and invasion of Iraq, however, has
> probably pitted an entire generation of Arabs against us.
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