--- Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Sam, I'll skip the other stuff, but I can't
> resist this:
> 1.)  If Gen DeLong knows "for a fact" then where are
> they?  
It's no surprise that weapons buried in Iraq have yet
to be uncovered. "Seven-eighths of the country is arid
desert and it's the size of California. You could
probably bury 100 Empire State Buildings in Iraq and
not find them," the former Marine said.

> If we can invade Iraq why not Syria if he knows "for
> a fact".
It was more than WMDs and the Saddam problem went on
for years. Syria is on the Axis of Evil list and we
know they support terrorism, but we're going through
the process of diplomacy. If democracy in Iraq works
out maybe Syria will do what Lybia did and turn over
there WMDs.

> 2.) Since we've never recovered WMD, wasn't the war
> a mistake?  We
> said there were WMD, we went to war because of it,
> but we've never
> found any.
No. Here's what Bush said recently in an interview
with Limbaugh:

Now, Iraq. You see, one of the lessons of September
the 11th is that we gotta deal with threats before
they fully materialize, and we saw a threat in Iraq. I
say "we." The Congress saw a threat, I saw a threat
and the United Nations Security Council saw a threat.
In other words, the world took a look and said,
"Saddam is a threat," and here's why they thought he
was a threat. One, he used weapons of mass
destruction, and one of the most dangerous parts of
this new war is that if the enemy were ever to acquire
the capacity to use a weapon of mass destruction it
would make September 11th, you know, pale in
comparison, and so we saw that threat.

Secondly, he had ties to terrorists. Abu Nidal was
housed in Iraq, his organization. He was the guy that
killed Leon Klinghoffer. He was a known terrorist.
Zarqawi -- who's now, you know, the person beheading
people in Iraq today -- was in and out of Baghdad and
Iraq, as were members of his organization. So he had
terrorist ties. As a matter of fact, not only did he
have terrorist ties, he used to subsidize families of
these suicide bombers, which is a terrorist act.

Thirdly, he invaded his neighbors. Fourthly, he was an
enemy of this country, and we had been to war with him
once. He had invaded others in the neighborhood. He
was a source of great instability. So I saw a threat,
and given the lessons of September the 11th, we
decided to remove him from power, having tried
diplomacy. See, I think it's very important for your
listeners to know, Rush, that the commander-in-chief
ought to try all avenues of diplomacy prior to
committing troops and we did that. And so I'm sitting
in the Oval Office, and I've seen a threat. I now see
that he's ignoring the demands of the free world, he
had no intention of disarming, as a matter of fact was
systematically deceiving inspectors, and so I made the
decision, a very difficult decision.

The way forward, which was to remove him from power --
and, by the way, we weren't "alone" going in. As a
matter of fact, I talked to Tony Blair this morning,
which I do on a regular basis, and Tony Blair saw the
same threat. And so now the way ahead is this. We will
work with Prime Minister Allawi to enable a political
process to develop. In other words, we'll provide as
much security as we can to help a political process
forward which means elections in January, but more
importantly we will train Iraqis so that they are
capable of providing their own security, and that's an
important ingredient about enabling me to say that
troops will be there as long as necessary, but not a
day longer -- and by that I mean when the Iraqis are
capable of defending themselves and as the political
process emerges, we will then be in a position to say
the mission has been completed, which is a democratic
Iraq, an ally in the war on terror and a source of
stability in a part of the world that needs stability
and freedom.

- President Bush

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