Unfortunately there are no flaws.

1.) That Amb. Wilson returned from the mission VP Cheney sent him on
and reported that there was no threat of Iraq buying, or attempting to
buy, yellow cake is not in dispute.

2.) That Mr. Clarke repeatedly warned Mr. Bush that Al Queda was a
larger threat than Iraq, and that Iraq may not be any threat at all,
is not disputed and a matter of public record.

3.) That Secretary O'Neil agreed with Sec. Powell and Undersecretary
Armitage is also not in dispute and can be read about in Bob
Woodward's book.

4.) The question for Gen Zinni is not how he wanted to proceed with
the war, but what he advised Mr. Bush in his role as Middle East
Adviser.  When Mr. Zinni was asked if he thought, based on the
intelligence he and Mr. Bush saw, Iraq was a threat he replied,

"No, not at all. It was not an imminent threat. Not even close. Not
grave, gathering, imminent, serious, severe, mildly upsetting, none of

The point is Mr. Bush was advised by numerous experts of his own
choosing that Iraq was not a good war to prosecute and he chose to
ignore that advice.  This is especially damning when that advice was
given by his own Secretary of State, Counter terrorism adviser, and
Middle East adviser.

You would think a consensus by those people would dissuade you putting
thousands of American lives and money on the line, but it didn't
dissuade Mr. Bush.  And neither did the global consensus, including
every ally but Britain.

Mr. Bush + Foreign Policy = Boondoggle

----- Original Message -----
From: Sam Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 09:32:55 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: The Election and The Economy
To: CF-Community <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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