Actually, there are already regulations in place, at least in
Wisconsin. Right now health care providers face fines if they give the
flu shot to anyone that is not in the CDC's high risk category. My HMO
had plenty of vaccine for everyone, but the state has taken it away so
that they can meet the needs of the other providers who didn't plan
ahead. My provider wants me to get a shot (as a parent of a child in a
high risk category), and I could have gotten one a few weeks ago. I
don't think I can anymore, as it would appear that I don't meet the
strictest CDC guidelines, even though I meet the American Academy of
Pediatrics (as a parent) guidelines. Wacked, eh?

On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 14:15:58 -0500, G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Would seem a shortage of flu vaccines could be overcome by prioritizing who
> gets them. Middle aged, healthy adults can put up with the CHANCE of getting
> the flu for a few days so that those who are truly threatened by the disease
> can get their innoculations.
> But thats probly way to altruistic.

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