The report also went on to say that the work was done by an outside
contractor - to me that suggests that for complex systems like this
outsourcing the project may not have been the best idea.


On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 11:53:42 -0400, Angel Stewart
> "No matter how hard one tries, small (and large) errors in the design phase can slip 
> through the cracks. For space craft, a 99
> percent successful mission can be totally wiped out if that error manifests itself 
> on the final journey home. That apparently
> happened with the Genesis space probe when it crash landed in a Utah desert back in 
> September.
> An investigation into the probe's parachute deployment failure has now focused on a 
> set of gravity switches that appear to have been
> installed backwards. Errors in Lockheed Martin design drawings for the switches has 
> been identified as the likely cause of the
> failure, and these errors went undetected when the Lockheed Martin designs were 
> given additional scrutiny after the failures of the
> Mars Climate Orbiter and Mars Polar Lander. The gravity switches were designed to 
> sense the braking the probe experienced when
> entering the Earth's atmosphere and activate a timer that controlled parachute 
> release. All four sensors were installed backwards
> (two primary and two backup) and never sensed the braking and therefore parachutes 
> were never deployed. In spite of the flaw and
> eventual crash, NASA scientists have secured samples from the probe and expect to 
> accomplish most of the research goals of the
> mission."
> I still say that the evidence seems to suggest that humans just aren't up to the 
> task of delivering on complex scientific projects.
> It seems impossible to eliminate error, whether in software, or complex mechanics. 
> Anything that seems to require very precise logic
> and operation, seems doomed to fail the first few times around, simply because 
> people are people. These NASA Engineers are certainly
> not stupid, lazy, or underfunded to the point where they are deliberately cutting 
> corners. These errors are just...human errors.
> -Gel

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