Michael Dinowitz wrote:
>> Michael Dinowitz wrote:
>>> Fact: Europe sides with the Arabs on most things. It's in their best
>>> interest.
>> Why would that be in their best interest?
> Trade, resources, former colonies, large population influx, take your
> pick. 

No, I am asking you to convince me why siding with Arabs would be in their best 
interest. In my best interest as a European.

> But that's the problem. The UN seems to go out of it's way to only ask
> one side of the question for these things. I remember the UN voting
> almost unanimously for a proclamation to protect Arab children from
> violence. When the same exact proclamation was put on the floor focusing
> on Jewish children, it was knocked down and never got anywhere. The UN
> only sees the side it wants to (you can look up the facts of what I just
> described if you don't believe me).

Actually, I can't. Google didn't produce much and the site of the Permanent Mission of 
Israel only shows the speach made by the Israeli ambassador, not the text or vote of 
any of the resolutions.

>>> Fact: Neither the UN nor the EU care for Israel's existence.
>> That is probably quite correct. If all European countries can 
>> freely choose to give up some sovereignty to a 
>> supranational entity, why couldn't other countries?
>> Countries are artificial constructs. The people in them is what counts.
> Tell that to nationalists. Tell that to the French.  

France is part of the EU. It has transfered more of it souvereignity to the EU as for 
instance the UK.

>>> Fact: Kerry has bound himself time and again to the UN and Europe.
>> Has he?
> In a number of speeches.

The reason I'm not pro Kerry (just anti Bush) is that I can't get a clear picture of 
what he really wants. 

I would argue that just because he is not Bush Kerry has the potential to do great in 
foreign politics. Great for the US that is. All he has to do is hint that the next guy 
in the White House might be a Republican again and many countries will think twice. 
But I doubt that is a convincing reason to vote for him :-)


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