"Nine years ago, U.N. weapons inspectors urgently
called on the International Atomic Energy Agency to
demolish powerful plastic explosives in a facility
that Iraq's interim government said this month was
looted due to poor security. The chief American
weapons inspector, Charles Duelfer, told The New York
Sun yesterday that in 1995, when he was a member of
the U.N. inspections team in Iraq, he urged the United
Nations' atomic watchdog to remove tons of explosives
that have since been declared missing. Mr. Duelfer
said he was rebuffed at the time by the Vienna-based
agency because its officials were not convinced the
presence of the HMX, RDX, and PETN explosives was
directly related to Saddam Hussein's programs to amass
weapons of mass destruction."

Now, let's take a look at this ElBaradei guy. On his
watch, India and Pakistan get to the brink of nuclear
detonation. On his watch, Libya gets away with a
nuclear weapons program that nobody knows they have.
On his watch, the Iranians continue to build a nuclear
weapons program and nothing's been done about it, and
now, within the past three months,  it has been
learned that the United States hopes to get rid of Mr.
ElBaradei and replace him at the Atomic Energy Agency
because they collected intelligence that he was
providing advice to Iran on how to avoid sanctions
from his organization for its uranium enrichment
program, and this is the guy that is largely closely
tied to the New York Times story that is obviously a
fraudulent story and is misleading and is designed to
impact the outcome of an election. Mohammed ElBaradei,
I don't think this guy has ever been a real friend of
America, but if this is true that he's helping Iran
avoid sanctions and avoid discovery of its uranium
enrichment program, ladies and gentlemen, this is
serious stuff, and this is John Kerry's agency. This
is the place John Kerry wants to go, this is the place
John Kerry will not criticize, these are the things
John Kerry knows he will not criticize. He will not
lift a voice or a finger in criticism of the United
Nations, but, boy, let the United States come under
his glance, and he will criticize and do it happily.
He will always rush to blame America first, exonerate
his prestigious UN. 

Newsmax has gone back in time to their archives. Get
this. On February 15th, 2003, the New York Times
reported on an address to the United Nations Security
Council by Mohammed ElBaradei, the UN's chief nuclear
watchdog "covered extensively" by the New York Times
ElBaradei shared his concern about the removal of high
explosives from facilities like Al Qaqaa. He said, "We
have also continued to investigate the relocation and
consumption of the high explosives HMX," ElBaradei
explained a month before the invasion. As I reported
earlier, Iraq has declared that 32 tons of the HMX
previously under IAEA seals had been transferred for
use in the production of industrial explosives,
primarily to cement plants as a booster for explosives
in quarrying. ElBaradei noted that Saddam's government
had even confirmed the movement of the HMX. In quotes
picked up by The Times 21 months ago.

"The latest slam of the Bush Administration by the
combined forces of the United Nations’ International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the New York Times, CBS,
and the Kerry campaign, repeats on old pattern. The
leading lights of the legacy media have their own
agenda, one that considerably overlaps that of the
Kerry forces. But the IAEA is not merely driven by
animus towards Bush. That United Nations agency also
needs to cover up its own ineffectiveness and
incompetence by shifting attention and blame to the
Bush Administration, while waiting for a more
congenial President of the United States to take
office, one who won’t be tempted to investigate its
numerous inadequacies, nor pursue the investigations
of the criminality within its parent. The
'disappearing explosives' incident, in other words, is
simply the latest firefight between the US and the
IAEA over the UN’s complete and utter failure to
enforce the provisions of the Non-Proliferation Treaty
(NPT) with the nations of the Axis of Evil. 

This buttresses the story that goes back to 1985 that
the IAEA refused to destroy the munitions and bombs in
the Al Qaqaa dump. Hans Blix refused to do it on the
basis this they weren't part of the WMD program. They
were just explosives, it wasn't that big a deal, they
had more important things to do. Now these things have
gone missing and nobody can tell us, not the New York
Times, and not CBS, and not Richard Holbrooke, and not
John Kerry, and not John Edwards, and not Joe
Lockhart, nobody else in the media can tell us when
they went missing. All we know is that the United
Nations is corrupt, it is incompetent, it is incapable
of enforcing its own resolutions as we know, and they
are attempting, working with the New York Times and
CBS, to shift blame to the Bush administration. And
there's old John Kerry willing to criticize his own
country at the snap of a finger to jump in and carry
the water for them. 

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