Ah, man.  Can I get the exec summary?  First I'll guess:

Blah, blah, blah, Kerry is an idiot.

Blah, blah, blah, Bush rules (if I say he doesn't I get shocked).


On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 16:36:04 -0700 (PDT), Sam Morris
> "Nine years ago, U.N. weapons inspectors urgently
> called on the International Atomic Energy Agency to
> demolish powerful plastic explosives in a facility
> that Iraq's interim government said this month was
> looted due to poor security. The chief American
> weapons inspector, Charles Duelfer, told The New York
> Sun yesterday that in 1995, when he was a member of
> the U.N. inspections team in Iraq, he urged the United
> Nations' atomic watchdog to remove tons of explosives
> that have since been declared missing. Mr. Duelfer
> said he was rebuffed at the time by the Vienna-based
> agency because its officials were not convinced the
> presence of the HMX, RDX, and PETN explosives was
> directly related to Saddam Hussein's programs to amass
> weapons of mass destruction."
> Now, let's take a look at this ElBaradei guy. On his
> watch, India and Pakistan get to the brink of nuclear
> detonation. On his watch, Libya gets away with a
> nuclear weapons program that nobody knows they have.
> On his watch, the Iranians continue to build a nuclear
> weapons program and nothing's been done about it, and
> now, within the past three months,  it has been
> learned that the United States hopes to get rid of Mr.
> ElBaradei and replace him at the Atomic Energy Agency
> because they collected intelligence that he was
> providing advice to Iran on how to avoid sanctions
> from his organization for its uranium enrichment
> program, and this is the guy that is largely closely
> tied to the New York Times story that is obviously a
> fraudulent story and is misleading and is designed to
> impact the outcome of an election. Mohammed ElBaradei,
> I don't think this guy has ever been a real friend of
> America, but if this is true that he's helping Iran
> avoid sanctions and avoid discovery of its uranium
> enrichment program, ladies and gentlemen, this is
> serious stuff, and this is John Kerry's agency. This
> is the place John Kerry wants to go, this is the place
> John Kerry will not criticize, these are the things
> John Kerry knows he will not criticize. He will not
> lift a voice or a finger in criticism of the United
> Nations, but, boy, let the United States come under
> his glance, and he will criticize and do it happily.
> He will always rush to blame America first, exonerate
> his prestigious UN.
> Newsmax has gone back in time to their archives. Get
> this. On February 15th, 2003, the New York Times
> reported on an address to the United Nations Security
> Council by Mohammed ElBaradei, the UN's chief nuclear
> watchdog "covered extensively" by the New York Times
> ElBaradei shared his concern about the removal of high
> explosives from facilities like Al Qaqaa. He said, "We
> have also continued to investigate the relocation and
> consumption of the high explosives HMX," ElBaradei
> explained a month before the invasion. As I reported
> earlier, Iraq has declared that 32 tons of the HMX
> previously under IAEA seals had been transferred for
> use in the production of industrial explosives,
> primarily to cement plants as a booster for explosives
> in quarrying. ElBaradei noted that Saddam's government
> had even confirmed the movement of the HMX. In quotes
> picked up by The Times 21 months ago.
> "The latest slam of the Bush Administration by the
> combined forces of the United Nations' International
> Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the New York Times, CBS,
> and the Kerry campaign, repeats on old pattern. The
> leading lights of the legacy media have their own
> agenda, one that considerably overlaps that of the
> Kerry forces. But the IAEA is not merely driven by
> animus towards Bush. That United Nations agency also
> needs to cover up its own ineffectiveness and
> incompetence by shifting attention and blame to the
> Bush Administration, while waiting for a more
> congenial President of the United States to take
> office, one who won't be tempted to investigate its
> numerous inadequacies, nor pursue the investigations
> of the criminality within its parent. The
> 'disappearing explosives' incident, in other words, is
> simply the latest firefight between the US and the
> IAEA over the UN's complete and utter failure to
> enforce the provisions of the Non-Proliferation Treaty
> (NPT) with the nations of the Axis of Evil.
> This buttresses the story that goes back to 1985 that
> the IAEA refused to destroy the munitions and bombs in
> the Al Qaqaa dump. Hans Blix refused to do it on the
> basis this they weren't part of the WMD program. They
> were just explosives, it wasn't that big a deal, they
> had more important things to do. Now these things have
> gone missing and nobody can tell us, not the New York
> Times, and not CBS, and not Richard Holbrooke, and not
> John Kerry, and not John Edwards, and not Joe
> Lockhart, nobody else in the media can tell us when
> they went missing. All we know is that the United
> Nations is corrupt, it is incompetent, it is incapable
> of enforcing its own resolutions as we know, and they
> are attempting, working with the New York Times and
> CBS, to shift blame to the Bush administration. And
> there's old John Kerry willing to criticize his own
> country at the snap of a finger to jump in and carry
> the water for them.
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