
Speaking of Kerry...

Somebody’s favorite reporter is trying to interview
him, even sent the questions ahead of time.

Pundits claim Kerry is dodging interviews

Mr Woodward, whose newspaper the Washington Post this
week endorsed the Kerry campaign, revealed he has been
seeking an interview since June without success. He
blamed "risk-averse" nerves on the part of the Kerry
team for the refusal. One of America's most revered
journalists, he even took the unusual step of sending
his list of 22 questions in advance, in the hope Mr
Kerry would feel more confident about answering. 

He pointed out that President Bush gave him three and
a half hours of interview time for his best-selling
book on the Iraq War, Plan of Attack. He wanted Mr
Kerry to explain how he would have fought the war
differently. "I interviewed President Bush and he
answered hundreds of detailed questions," said Mr
Woodward. "I wanted to come up with parallel questions
that would tell us how Kerry would function." 


And then there was the service records that Bush
released but Kerry won't. Was Kerry dishonorably
dischrged? Release the records Mr. Kerry.

Kerry has consistently refused to sign a Standard Form
180 authorizing the Department of Defense to release
all of his records. 

George W. Bush's military records were so spotless
that Dan Rather gleefully trotted out some fabricated
documents in order to kick up a little dust. Of
course, if Rather were a real journalist rather than
just a TV talking head, he might actually develop a
source who could find out what the remaining
(approximately 100) pages in Kerry's DoD service
jacket reveal. 


I figure with only a few days left I'll stir it up a
bit more ;)


--- Andy Ousterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yah.  Same with his running mate Edwards!

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