> Sam wrote: 
> He works too hard at being in the middle. There is no such place
> and to try to pull it off is just a scam.

Prove it:

I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal.  That means I believe
in a small federal government, state's rights, and a balanced budget. 
It also means I believe in keeping religion out of government, keeping
the government out of our houses and bedrooms, and legalized drugs and
prostitution.  Essentially I'm for freedom and civil liberties, and
not the Patriot act.

If the center is a scam, then who is my candidate if my top issue if
fiscal conservativism?

In this election the person who meets the most of those criteria, and
best fits my weighted top issue, is John Kerry.  If Mr. McCain were
running, however, he would fit more of those issues.

Prove to me that Mr. Bush fits those criteria better and I'll vote for
him.  I'm an issues voter not in a cult of personality.

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