> Won Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Protect all the rights that we have in the Constitution.

Cheers.  Actually I would be for gun control, but there are so many
out that now that I don't see how it could ever be workable.

My gun control, however, would put massively tight controls on guns -
basically it would say if your gun is used in a crime you're
responsible whether it was stolen or not.  It would close down gun
show loop holes and limit ammunition and use.

For example, if you want an AK-47 fine, but you need to store it at an
"approved" facility and use it there.  This would go for all
ridiculous weapons like that.  It would be a boon to gun clubs.

Handguns would be limited to club use with 3 available for "checkout"
at any one time.  That is you can own as many as you like, but you
must store them at the club except for what is reasonable to use while
hunting or home protection.

I am for conceal and carry - this could be one or more of your conceal
and carry.

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